Behaviour, You need to address this now.

Cryptikk Member Posts: 422
edited August 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I am sorry but this is a joke at this point.

As Susurrus said,

"BHVR chose to brandish LGBTQ+ aesthetics, and talk about the importance of representation, and the importance of inclusivity and respect of marginalized people.They then chose to pursue this partnership despite that. That merits discussion of the apparent conflict, and - I would say - justifies expressing relevant sentiments and seeking answers from BHVR's community representatives."

It is unfair and hurtful to us as queer players for you to make a song and dance about how much we are loved and welcome in the DBD space, then get this license and then silence us when we dare to mention we are sad, hurt and disapproving at this decision.

I know many people are happy about this license and more power to them, but you are literally silencing people over this, which feels cheap and double-standardish after all the hype you make about us LGBTQ people.

Please acknowledge this instead of silencing us

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955

    I think the mods’ hands are tied on this.

    There’s a forum rule about not allowing politics in the discussions, and the whole issue with FNaF is political. Like, actually political.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited August 2024

    The mods are rightfully (according to forum rules) closing these topics. But if you ask me theyre being generous in both how long they're allowing them to stay open, and in that they're only closing the topics and not outright deleting them. No one is being silenced in this regard, things said haven't been redacted (except for the odd coment that legit breaks rules on hate speech).

  • Readycent
    Readycent Member Posts: 8

    Can someone loop me in on what exactly this issue is? I'm incredibly confused.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    A few topics at the bottom of the first page/top of second page of General Discussion should clear it up for you.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    You can't talk about political stuff on forums and this is directly connected to politics.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 799

    the problem is that when you say "if you're upset, bring it to BHVR". but like, how? if not here?

    obviously we want to bring this to bhvr's forums, so that they'll see it. but then, doing so breaks the forum rules. not only are the moderator's hands tied, so are ours, to an extent. and until there's an official and public response saying that they've heard us, neither side gets to stop.

    it sucks.

    and in the meantime, there's bigots taking shots at queer people all the while, all over the forum.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    As others here have said, the discussion of controversial topics, such as politics, is against Forum Rules. As such, this thread will be closed to further comments here.

This discussion has been closed.