Legion, Freddy and Myers...

Legion: So incredibly addon dependent I can't even. Just make mischief list, mural sketch and frank's mixtape basekit… Also add a vault speed addon I would be so hyped for that.

Myers: Tombstone or garbage. FNAF is gonna come out before the guy gets a rework…



  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,555

    Legion is a bit of a difficult case. Small buffs can bring their power up so much that they become unbearable to play against. So making these 3 addons base kit is probably not a good idea. Maybe they could do some fine tuning to the base power but overall Legion's balance is just too fickle to make any huge changes now.

    Myers unfortunately hasn't aged very well. He is a remnant of a very different game, that feels forgotten. A complete rework of his power probably wouldn't be the best idea. After all, they did a pretty good job in capturing Myers' abilities.

    If I recall correctly Freddy was anounced to get a rework at some point. In the mean time they at least gave 2 of his addons a rework and actually made them pretty useful.

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 104

    I understand that Myers is weak in modern DBD but I personally find his simple playstyle quite fun and in theme with his character. I hope that if he was changed, it wouldn't be a complete rework

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    I have to disagree for Legion, they aren't addon dépendant at all.

    Sure mural sketch and mischief list are good addon's, but they are nowhere close to being mandatory. It's not like pre rework Knight with map of the realm, where you were shooting yourself in the foot by playing without it. Regarding Frank mixtape, it's almost a meme addon at this point.

    That being said, I agree with Myers and Freddy. One has the most unhealthy addon in game, combine with almost the weakest basekit, and the other has nothing for him.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,200

    Honestly, I hard lock Mischief List and Friendship Bracelet every single game, and Legion is still pretty mid tier. I'm not getting Frenzy downs left and right with it or anything, it just makes them a bit better. Playing them without it though is so painful.

  • TheRealChessBoy
    TheRealChessBoy Member Posts: 24
    edited August 8

    Legion's case is kinda like dredge's. Dredge has like 3 addons that makes him feel terrible to play without them. Playable, sure (unlike knight), but still with significant downsides like having your power literally cut by like 10m without mischief list. Legion's map dependency is disgustingly bad that can only be mitigated with these addons. Also franks mixtape is just a QOL thing. Kicking things in frenzy should be fast, period. Doesn't make sense for it to not -_-

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Legion needs mostly quality of life and small buffs. A really good buff that a lot of people have asked for is their base move speed in Frenzy to be 6m/s. All counter-play options would remain intact and it would help their add-on reliance.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 535

    Maybe Freddy is a surprise… maybe… maybe

    In the roadmap - as always - you wont find "The Nightmare".

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,891

    Their time is coming.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 948
    edited August 8

    Folks just don't know how to play a Legion. Most hate Legion just because the majority play Legion as a Mending Repetitive Game. Most tell you just don't heal against a Legion. Legion should be played as a Gap Closer. Wound only when you see multiple survivor. And give chase for the already wounded. Down and done. But imma bet most will disagree with this.

    My only beef with Myers is that dumb Evil Incarnate. When everyone just about already knows how to counter it even though in the end, they're doomed to die anyways. So what do they do. Deny an achievement with petty actions. Myers just needs his achievement terminated. Or changed so that even a locker grab changes it so it triggers the insta-kill.

    Freddy needs to go back to working for getting survivors to enter dream world. Not just swiping at them. And he needs to be invisible when survivor is awake. Making Survivors to work more in staying awake more often. Which semi stalls working on gens.

    Post edited by IIITweedleIII on
  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 515

    what 2 add ons? Every single add on Freddy has is ######### he has the worst iri in the game black box