Did they make piping harder?

I play not as much as i used to and i notice i barely make it to gold 4 now each month, when previously i would at least make it to iri 2.
However, if i pay attention to my matches i still get A LOT of emblem points, when looking up older videos i see the amount of points i make on average each trial hasnt really changed.
Does this mean the emblem system is entirely time based? like it doesnt even matter if you play strong matches or not, what matters is daylie commitment?
They haven't made it harder, no - if anything they've made it easier. You can't lose pips anymore.
How well you play a match is still effective in you earning Iridescent Emblems and therefore pipping up faster - that said, certain killers struggle more with certain emblems and being TOO effective can make certain emblems a lower quality.
For example, the Devout emblem can only be Iridescent Quality if you've hooked survivors 9 times, and hooked each individual survivor once. If you camp a survivor, or they all give up on hook, you're not getting it to iridescent level.
Also to be clear, your bloodpoints have nothing to do with whether you pip or don't. It's purely based on the emblem system, which you can read about here: https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Emblems
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i was not talking about blood points, i was talking about emblem points.
And yeah im trying iridiscent gatekeeper for a challenge right now and i ended the game at 5 gens left. But it ended under 9 minutes so i didnt get iri. Its kinda dull. No wonder it takes so long to pip either im too fast or not fast enough, finding the perfect middle ground is hard.0