

All Evidence Huntress Is A BEAST!

Member Posts: 1,245
edited August 2024 in Lore

Many people speculate whether Huntress is a human or not. I believe that she is supernatural and not actually a human! So I have gathered all the evidence of this into one convenient post to share with other people and so I can use it in a future video!

  • The survivor charm “Huntress Werewolf” has the flavor text that reads “A Disguise that fits her a little too well.”
  • Was the only animal focused killer for the majority of the game until the Artist
  • All of her perks are Wolf related
  • Her unique perk “Beast Of Prey” states that her bloodlust becomes so intense that she loses connection to the entity. The only killer in the game that can do this.
  • In her tome lore “A Lovely War” the soldiers she is fighting call her a beast and a Bodark
  • Has wiped out entire villages and killed hundreds of soldiers (most likely being able to dodge bullets)
  • Her eyes are all black, just like the eyes of a Bodark
  • Her ignition skin is the aftermath of her running into a flamethrower full blast to kill its user (No human can do that)
  • Her Blighted Skin is her mid transformation into what appears to be some type of beast and it is called “Growth Surge”
  • Her Mother Bear skin implies that she is able to hunt and kill Grizzly Bear’s with an Axe and a few Hatchets (A feat that a Human cant do)
  • Her WereElk skin could be the beast that she actually turns into.

Let me know what you guys think! IMO this is more than enough evidence for me that she isn't actually a human! Although what she is exactly I can't say for sure. Is she a Bodark? Is she a WereElk? Or Maybe a WereBear because she was nicknamed "Bear" in the early game files! Who knows! Only the Developers have the real answer, Thanks for reading!


  • Member Posts: 194

    Okay, hear me out. The Huntress is Baba Yaga.

    The Huntress, or Анна (Anna), lives in the woods in Russia, in a place called the Red Forest. Анна would have been born sometime in the late 1800s, as according to her in-game lore, she is alive during the events of World War 1.

    One day as a child, Анна experienced a traumatic event. Her mother was killed by a giant elk. Now, this is my theory. This 'elk', was infact not an elk, but instead the witch of legend, Баба Яга (Baba Yaga). For some reason, Баба Яга decided to possess Анна, instead of killing her like she normally would. It is known that Баба Яга has the ability to shape-shift into various different animals and even winter storms. This would explain how she took the form of an elk.

    Анна, now Баба Яга, puts the past behind her and begins a new life in the forest. Through the years, 'Анна' displays many signs of supernatural strength, being able to kill bears with nothing but an axe and her bare hands, something no normal human could do. Soon, 'Анна' even begins to kill humans that wander into the forest, akin to Баба Яга.

    At some point, 'Анна' begins to feel something. An instinct from a previous life. The urge to raise a daughter. Acting on impulsiveness, 'Анна' begins raiding nearby villages, killing everyone and stealing all the little girls to bring back to her cabin. Here she leaves them to perish, doing nothing for them but bring them toys and trinkets, whilst she herself adorns an animal mask to try and appear more friendly, despite her cold, empty, black eyes. Perhaps this motherly instinct is the only part of her that Баба Яга didn't take?

    Rumor began to spread across the land, a tale of a woman, a half-beast, who lived in the forest, killed men and stole little girls.

    Eventually, war comes to Russia. Germany begins their invasion and at some point end up reaching the Red Forest. Almost immediately, 'Анна' begins hunting both German and Russian soilders, taking them out with an unnatural speed and ferocity, seemingly unaffected by their bullets. After these killings continue, the Germans and Russians begin to work together to try and eliminate 'Анна', who they started calling a Bodark. Ultimately, they are unsuccessful.

    After many years, the war ends and the soilders retreat from the woods. The stories of Анна, the Bodark, the half-beast, The Huntress, slowly fade away, their memory forever lost to the forest.

    Maybe Баба Яга found a new host? Maybe she travelled elsewhere? Or maybe something more powerful and terrifying took her?

    In-game, The Huntress actually has an outfit for Baba Yaga, which makes my theory even more plausible. I also believe that her Were-Elk outfit is simply one of the many forms she can take. Of all animals, BHVR choosing an elk is very coincidental, considering the important part one plays in her backstory, specifically during the time that Baba Yaga possesses her.

    Maybe a bit of a stretch, but perhaps the fog ever present in the Red Forest is actually being summoned by Baba Yaga herself, as she has the ability to 'become' winter storms, so certainly she could do this too?

    So yeah, let me know what you think of my theory! ☺

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