They Should Remove Killer's Ability to see names and profiles in the lobby.
Simple. Survivors have their profiles opened to the killers for… whatever reason? It's bizarre that information like that is allowed and has lead to fervent bming if the Killer deems the survivors worthy of toxicity or they'll dodge out of fear from the amount of hours a player has.
Why is this even available information to the killer? Anonymous mode could be used, but a lot of people LIKE adding each other and giving kudos and whatnot, so why does the killer only get to benefit from total cloaking of information till the end?
Just make Survivors have their profiles unavailable at the start, with no names. AT the end of the game, the names and profiles can be available.
I literally had the same killer 3 different times, and for two of those times, she prepped based on prior knowledge specifically to BM me because in the first match, I had done very well against her. It was excessively frustrating, but even more frustrating is that this is almost encouraged with the available information of a profile, name and hours.
"Just hide your profile with Anon mode" is not a good solution because it isolates you from your comrades in the event you all do well, have fun and decide to become friends or something. Same goes for a killer that wants to reach out to a survivor cuz they had fun. Anonymous ruins any form of solidarity for those that are forced to use it to remove prying eyes at the start of the lobby.
I would normally agree, seeing what the survivor's time playing the game and everything can be a problem and low hour survivors are usually tunneled out while seeing high hour survivors means the killer might dodge.
HOWEVER, I don't want to be in a match with survivors who have VAC bans, game bans and their profile hidden. I'd rather dodge those players than risk being stuck in a match indefinitely, especially if hacking ever becomes a huge issue again.
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Then why is it okay for survivors to have to play against Killers who have cheated or been Vac banned? It's a double standard to say "well that side could have this and I deserve to know" when the other side is excluded to deal with it no matter how they feel.
Either both sides get to see who it is or neither. No one should have their cake and eat it too.
I would prefer neither because then there's way less likelihood of stream sniping, toxicity in general, bming and all the like.4 -
I think all the Survivors should be told about the Killer, is their ping before the match starts. I shouldn't have to find out about a redbar Killer VPNing after the match loads.
The current Killer situation is fine for the reasons listed above like cheaters.
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I agree with that too. Problem is, the game was made to keep the killer a secret until the match starts. It's a problematic situation all around. Even if they just allowed the killer's username to be shown, there's settings to hide your name with anonymity. Heck, that also answers your own question too. Cheaters will use anon mode to keep people from snooping their profiles as well.
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I don't even want the Killer's username shown unless it's at the end as per usual. I just think that the profile information being available to Killers (And other survivors) is utterly unnecessary and promotes the wrong idea. There's leaning into a theme and going overboard.
Killers should only see the Survivors' models, what they are holding, and their ping.
Survivors should see the killer's ping next to a symbol representing the killer (The Knife with entity claws on the endgame screen).
Then, at the end of the game, all information is available. None of this weird pre-game profile checking crap.0 -
I think survivors should be able to see the killer player's name (not the killer itself) and we should get rid of anonymous mode.
Or make it so no one can see others names till endgame.
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If you don't, somebody else will. I'm not opposed to hiding names in lobby, but at that point, why even have a lobby other than or people to show off cosmetics? I'd rather just skip lobby entirely then, and go straight into the match once 5 players have been found. Could skip offering screen too for all I care.
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Fair point too. I guess they still want the killer to have prior information on items being brought in.
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Why? Anonymous mode exists. That already does this.
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Post edited by Rigbeta on0 -
I mean I only use it to find out if I play against a swf probably and therefore change my builds slightly. looking at the hours is more like of a fun thing to do for me, I won't dodge teams with 3 people with 5k hours and 1 person with 11k or something, I just think to myself "Well I should probably play serious or I lose horrendously, well probably I still lose with 2,4k" xD
Of course you could argue that I play more serious on people with more hours and that that's unfair against them and therefore should be removed, but it's ether this or I play serious all the time because I can't tell against what kind of people I play and I have to be better save than sorry because I can't generate enough preassure if I wait and see how good they are.