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Unpopular opinion about HEXes

Killers should be able to light dull totems into hexes and not rely on the randomness we currently have

The hexes should have timers on them, when the timer expires, the hex gets automatically cleansed

In this way, killers can always get value from the hexes, and can apply them again to another dull totem if the survivors cleanse it or if the timer expires

Then again, survivors won't necessarily be forced to cleanse it as it will get cleansed automatically after the timer expires


  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,763

    I just want totem placements to be in sensible spots.

    Not in the middle of high traffic hallways, not hidden behind thick foliage, not RIGHT NEXT TO A GENERATOR, just in places that make sense to hide them.

  • I_mean_yeah
    I_mean_yeah Member Posts: 43

    I mean that will help a little, but still, it's the randomness that pisses me off, even if they would be put in places that makes sense to hide them, it could be closer to where a survivor spawns.

    I'd say remove the randomness, let killers light them up, cause after all, we can't see where they are, so we're gonna waste time looking for dull totems anyways

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,120

    This is hardly unpopular and makes a lot of sense, although the ability to choose a spot may work with an area of effect, rather than a general Hex. Something that works within the radius. I have asked for this a couple of times for Hex: Territorial Imperative, into reworking it as a Boon-like Hex which gives a gew effects within the radius, such as a combination of Brutal Strength, Zangshin Tactics, faster vaulting and some Killer Instinct effect

    They have brought in perks that light Hexes once a requirement is met, but to have a Hex the Killer can place would be awesome.

    Same goes for Survivors at the other end of the scale: for them to have a Boon which lights at the start of the Trial, or once a requirement is met, that is cancelled once snuffed (obviously, the Killer takes longer to snuff it) , but offers something m7ch stronger.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 809

    Honestly, I think that if BHVR managed to put totems into spots where they aren't found instantly, Hexes would be in a much better place.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 809

    Also about Boons, can we just turn down their volume? You can hear them from a mile away.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,881

    That one totem spot on swamp next to shack on grim pantry where if you're even at main you can see it from that distance.