Chaos Shuffle as a Bloodpoint Bonus

I always thought a good idea to encourage perk variety is to give a bonus to non-meta perks. So, if you had tiers of perks from most used to least used, give those tiers different BP modifiers from 0% to 100% (or whatever).
I think this can be implemented into Chaos Shuffle so that you can choose a crappy tier and get that 100% bonus.. OR you can just give a bonus to players that choose to shuffle in the first place and not have it be a special modifier event. Just put it in the gameplay as a regular option.
So, people queue in, some people can choose to play normal, others can choose to shuffle and the ones that do get that bonus. Maybe give people a choice to pick from one meta perk, 2 medium, and 1 crappy. You can do it so many different ways.
Maybe you can earn points to "influence" your teammates or killer loadouts with certain perks, and they get that bonus. You can even leave them an e-card they can read at the end for wholesome fun.
I actually like the idea of blood point bonuses on less popular perks.
I suppose the only issue becomes tracking perk usage and thus knowing which perks to buff/nerf becomes more difficult than it already is...
Would be cool for Chaos shuffle though... would.mean someone who gets a dreadful build gets extra rewards for sticking the game out.
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Yeah, I thought about that, and the devs can probably filter out the perks that were specifically picked or chose to play normally. Though I wonder how this would affect their data gathering for kill rates. Maybe have this incorporated in a seasonal event, tome or something special.