I hate 1v4, it's too sweaty and frustrating. Bring back 2v8 as soon as you can
1v4 survivor sucks, very sweaty and frustrating, I hate that. 2v8 was so fun, chaotic, and casual, a lot of people love 2v8. I'm done playing dbd until 2v8 comes back, I will be playing other games in the meantime while I wait for 2v8 to return
You think people won't optimize 2v8? You think they weren't at the end of it? Please.
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I do agree the normal matches feel very slow and a lot more Killer-sided.
I may have played it too much, its like very addictive that mode.5 -
All they actually need to do is remove MMR and only have it count for being really good, or really bad. Make MMR progression and Regression normalized. I shouldn't have to lose ten games if I am stuck in sweatland to escape, or win twenty games to get out of Baby MMR.
This game feels best balanced when the MMR is switched OFF like in the modes, the matching is more random, and we have no gain or loss. The Devs should take note. And that has nothing to do with 2v8, which should not come back yet until its major flaws are fixed.
The other thing: 1v4 isn't why the game is sweaty and frustrating. The community is.
Because we made this silly slasher tag game all about winning, because we saw there was MMR and a pipping system, and it fostered more and more of an arms race until nobody trusts anyone anymore. THAT is why the game is sweaty and frustrating.
And we have only ourselves to blame. If we want it to end, it has to start with us. All of us. The Devs cannot fix that unless they remove all elements of the game that add competitive elements or make winning something for your time easier even if you lose, but that would kinda ruin the point right?
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Felt that.
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All of the limited time events had SBMM. These events are usually less sweaty because it's mostly casual players that play them, which I explain here in my post.
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I feel like you misunderstood me. Yes 2v8 "had" MMR in the sense that it had it to matchmake, but my point is you didn't gain or lose MMR. If you were in a comfy spot, you stayed there. Same as the other modes/modifiers. THAT is what makes it feel nonsweaty I think, because there is no penalty for losing and no dread of "winning too much" which personally I think actually motivates a lot of sweat. This is also called ladder anxiety and it's common in games where the playerbase is competitive.
My argument is not to fully remove MMR, my argument is to NORMALIZE the way it is gained and lost, so that it actually swings and balances around a true average for the player. I explained why MMR doesn't quite follow a normal bell curve and why it should before, but can't seem to find my post now. The real issue with MMR is its narrowness.
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I have no idea what you are talking about. 1v4 and 2v8 used exactly the same matchmaking system. Only difference was that they had separate MMR.
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That's… what I was referring to?
They had separate MMR because 2v8 was put in the mode, event, and modifier queue. In that queue, gaining and losing MMR doesn't happen. Whatever MMR you are at when you play a Killer in that queue, you stay there. The devs have confirmed multiple times before that this is how it works in this queue. That is why it feels good, because MMR range is wider because there is no gain or loss happening, so the MMR can actually work properly.
In normal 1v4, you can gain and lose MMR. You gain faster than you lose it, so you boost yourself faster, so you end up with more aggro sweaty opponents quickly. This is why it feels bad, because your MMR gains faster than it's lost so if you end up to a place you can't handle you're stuck for some time. It also means you can be trapped in the baby levels for a while with less skilled players, getting your butt handed to you because say… your team is three sub 100 Hour Megs.
I really don't know how else to explain this in a simpler or easier to understand way.
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When I say separate, I mean each mode has their own MMR. You still gain and lose MMR in 2v8.
The devs have confirmed multiple times before that this is how it works in this queue.
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No. No you don't. Literally no you don't? State evidence that you do, since you made the claim first.
As for a source on the Devs' statements, go search for it. I'm not going to dig through multiple threads to answer something the Devs have stated several times. I'm pretty sure someone has posted it already in a different thread anyway when people started asking "Hey is MMR broken or messed up in 2v8 for anyone else? This feels too easy." It should not be hard to find, it was a few weeks ago…