Repeatedly running into this 2 v 1 stand off situation



  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,154

    In the current DBD, it’s impossible for hatch to spawn with 2 survivors in the match. So it doesn’t matter if survivors can place themselves in situations where they can’t be hooked, because that situation currently doesn’t cause hatch to spawn with 2 survivors.

    But there absolutely are situations where the killer can’t hook a survivor, and it’s literally the reason why the finisher mori PTB failed. Many survivors were purposely placing themselves in situations where they couldn’t be hooked, and this happened even if you personally don’t understand it.

    It’s not good to add a game mechanic that encourages survivors to exploit it.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,154

    If BHVR tried to fix the problem of the last two survivors refusing to repair generators, with a 100% nerf on survivors, with zero compensation for survivors, then there would be so many complaints from survivors, that BHVR would end up giving them compensation anyway.

    That’s is how these forums work.

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 637
    edited August 2024

    how about every survivor actions (team-related) during the game accumulates a meter that means if they are left as last two, the one with the most team-related actions gets an advantage over the one who hasn’t (maybe the one who hasn’t has their aura readable or the one who has gets a new objective for steps to ‘create’ a key that only they can use in a temporary hatch for one).

    yes of course I’m ready for a million detractors to this idea but just throwing it out there. This will speed things up, not be entirely free (the person still has to manage to go through steps to escape through the two above mentioned methods).

    This will also have the added benefit of incentivising people to not play for hatch from the get go (i.e. do nothing for the team or progress play)

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    That could be a fun side quest for a while. Could be expanded with different objectives to keep it fresh.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411
    edited August 2024

    I thought about something different that would go more in line with your idea here.

    Keep it all the same but dependent on the number of hooks a survivor has for the finisher mori to activate. Instead of normal hooks though, the survivors will be done like the hooking in 2v8 or the cages. Then the 2nd or third time will be the finisher mori. If they haven't already been hooked twice.

    Edit: by this I meant the cage thing would be forced on a down. Not optional.

    Could even keep the killer instinct based on time or add an entity type thing that slowly starts to crawl up the survivors. If they don't work on an objective for x amount of time it will take them and cage them. This would keep a survivor from just hiding while someone else is being chased also.

    There's nothing worse than one gen left and a teammate refusing to touch it while you're being chased.

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 637
    edited August 2024

    Yes and it was partly inspired by one of your comments anyway!

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    I like the idea of different things to do to keep it fun. Mine gets a little to complicated sometimes though lol. Still fun to write them out

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 637

    I think so too! Whatever the solution, I hope it’s a good one for all sides (insomuch as these can be.. lol)

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410

    then suddenly a dredge appears and whispers in you ear nowhere to hid, lethal, friends till the end, and the lich item perk thing

    and disappears into the basement lockers never to be seen again

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410

    not even gonna lie i use that build with every killer and get 4ks constantly

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 435

    Sounds great, I'd rather an instant bleed out button if theres only 2 players left than spend half my matches being slugged because killers sweat like it's a tournament everyday. Some of us actually want to enjoy the game.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410
  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 702

    Survivors have the option to do gens in a way that that can be completed by 2 people. It's happened before very easily due to the regression limit. Might take time to slowly get them done but at some point the gens will be completed if they try. Easy option is to bypass that and go for hatch. As far as I'm concerned if they concede to the fact they can't do the objectives they have lost so yes a forfeit option would be ideal.

    Maybe if there was other things to do for survivors like more totems or another way to earn points and the points became the winning factor then they wouldn't feel hope is lost so early, give up and still expect to escape. I'm not sure what the solution is but I do believe that if a killer is doing that well in the match then they should be able to get 4k. Otherwise your basically saying it should be impossible to get 4k for anyone. Because if a killer that straight up steamrolls the survivors can't get 4k then what chance does any other killer have? If it's a close match fine I get it, but in a very 1 sided match the victor should get the spoils regardless of what side the victor is. Maybe make the hatch an option for those who reach a target score throughout the match? Certainly shouldn't be an option for a survivor that has done nothing the whole match.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    Imagine how crappy it'd be for the killer if swf's could just bring hatch offerings and go down away from the location or afk at the gate for a virtually guaranteed escape.

    So? Screw that. Just give me a way out of the match. Plain and simple. The killer should not be at the mercy of the survivors to leave a match that they don't progress. Especially not for that long.

    The situation you described is already possible but people don't do that very often. If the devs implemented a mechanic to help the killer against survivors that stopped doing gens for X amount of time this wouldn't become worse (why would it? it's 2 completely different things). It's just a flaw that this mechanic can't fix.

    The problem is not at all complex. The problem is very simple and a solution could be very simple as well. You create strawman arguments and then tell me it doesn't work. The mechanic I suggested was never intended to fix the end game (that is indeed a more complex issue) but only to stop the extreme cases in which survivors stop doing their objective and hold the killer hostage (the intention doesn't matter because the outcome doesn't change here). The end game is a completely seperate issue.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    Oh I'm with you on some of this. It sucks when a teammate hides all game and then gets hatch. It shouldn't happen but it is a play style that can be used.

    As far as them finishing gens with 2 left, I have to disagree. If it's one or maybe even 2 gens they could possibly finish them. Depending on how they and the killer plays. But it also is just a dead giveaway that the survivors are close by. Just tapping the gens to create distractions isn't as strong as it once was, with the changes to gen tapping. The odds of one survivor completing one gen while someone is being chased could very well happen, if the survivor is great or resources are plentiful. Multiple gens shouldn't happen.

    I haven't seen survivors finish gens in that way since before vacuum pallets were removed. I also don't play to win like I did back then though, so I know for certain my MMR is not high.

    I would just like to see both sides have a way to pull off a ridiculous play, with even a low chance to win, just to keep it fun and worth playing out. Or a way to alternate mid match and try a different play.

    I have no problems losing every game, if it was a good time trying not to. Whatever mechanic it is would have to be weak but exciting. It's suppose to be a chance, not a guarantee. Even if it's something that changes once a week or once a month and can be ridiculous. Just to keep it entertaining.

    I just have no idea what that should be.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,138

    Stop turning this into "oh they just want a 4k" no it's what people complain about, wasting time for no good reason.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Oh no not instant bleedout because that's free hatch for other survivor, must be instant sacrifice of everyone

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    We want the game end and go next.

    I couldn't care less if it is 3k, or 4k unless I am doing adept/challenge for it.

    If this is valid way to get 2k, because killer gives up, then I don't understand, what was the point in nerfing 3-gen situation.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 298

    they need to rework 2v1 to speed up the match. I don't care to slug for the 4k but please let me get queued gor my next match instead of walking around for 10+ minutes until i find one of you. I have so many match that are over in 7 minutes but last 20 minutes because of the 2v1 stealth " gameplay " .

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,065

    The complaints are valid. Holding games hostage isn't ok, and it would be nice to have a way to address it.

    It's the proposed solutions that largely fit into handing the killer dead simple, essentially free kills, which would almost always turn 2k's into automatic 4k's.

    I have yet to see anyone propose a solution to this problem that both solves the issue and essentially doesn't boil down to free kills, or at least giga buffs slugging for the 4k.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 702

    I think no one can agree on a solution because some killers feel that a game that has massively gone in their favour from start to finish, they counter the constant loops, deal with mind games, get the hooks required to off 2 survivors, basically work hard for the whole match to have 1 survivor that may very well have done nothing the whole time gets a free escape via hatch. It's not surprising that a killer might feel this is an injustice. But yet survivors feel they deserve a chance at a win even tho they essentially lost the match. Why would a survivor want to give up the possibility of a free escape at the end? I know if I'm a survivor I love the fact no matter what happens if I can stay out the way for long enough I could get an easy win via the hatch.

    It is strange that many say about the killer wanting the 4k and the free kills.... If the killer really wanted that then they would avoid downing or hooking the last 2 survivors until absolutely necessary to try get server time to end. That would result in both survivors being killed at the same giving the 4k. Would be fairly easy especially when survivors wait so long hiding. When the killer finds them they can waste a little more time messing with them without actually downing them. But that's not what happens. They slug or hook the 3rd player which gives 2/4min to find the other survivor. This says to me it's not about the 4k at all.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,065

    I'm not talking about slugging for the 4k here.

    Most, if not all of the proposed solutions I've seen basically boil down to "reveal the survivors to the killer". At which point, yes, if there are only 2 survivors and just about any number of gens remaining, that results in a 4k for the killer. You trying to justify it as "but the killer worked hard" sure, for the two kills they already got. That doesn't entitle someone to 2 more because of a new mechanic.

    Finding survivors is a part of the game. It's a responsibility and skill for the killer to do that, which is why there are a ton of perks, powers, base kit mechanics, and add-ons that make this easier.

    There's a huge spectrum here, where some people may genuinely not be able to find any of the 2 remaining survivors in extremely rare cases. But much more common are the killers who don't leave their gens or can't figure out how to open a locker. My personal favorite from these very forums was a guy who claimed he spent 35 minutes searching, and they were both in the basement. How do you not check the basement for half an hour? There's some kind of game sense or skill issue that comes into play here as well, and people do not want to hear that part.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 702

    Yes it's the responsibility of the killer to find the survivors but that only works if the survivors are doing their objective. If the killer has got the match in a position where the survivors admit defeat and acknowledge they can't do the objectives without dying then they are admitting they have lost the match. In that instance why should the survivors get a free escape after acknowledging defeat. The killer has clearly done more to earn the 4k. If the survivors did gens in a reasonable spacing between them then it is possible they can get them finished i have seen it happen. Difficult yes but not impossible. It's very difficult to find 2 survivors hiding especially if they are on coms in swf. They each tell the other person the location of the killer and it becomes a big issue. You make it sound like survivors are statues. They do move around, like hiding in basement 1 min then hide in a different location the next. As long as they are not running or not injured they leave no trace for the killer to track. I myself have checked basement multiple times but eventually after a very long time found 1 in the basement.

    Basically the short of it is, if the survivors acknowledge defeat by giving up on the only objective they have at that point (gens) then yes I would say the killer is entitled to 4k because the 2 survivors have given up. They can hide until server time ends if they want but it will result in 4k for the killer if that happens anyway. I'm not saying killers that do poorly in a match should get 4k, they shouldn't. But I'm saying if a killer has won the match they should get the 4k. If survivors won the match, at the gate and opened it the killer has lost...killer can't complete his objective before they escape so would it be fair to then reward the killer with a potential free kill even tho the killer has lost the match? No, survivors won, all at the gate, all should get out.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 963

    Can the devs please address the 2 v 1 standoff issue at some point? At least tell us whether or not there are any plans to ever address the problem of survivors hiding and refusing to touch gens. Yes I know these players can be reported, but that obviously has not done anything to deter people from doing it because I still see it happen frequently in my matches (just had another occurrence of this today). It really should not be difficult or time-consuming at all to put some sort of mechanic in the game to prevent/discourage this and it would be a huge quality of life improvement for killer players.

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 390

    Against killer's like the doctor it's impossible to finish gens because you'll either be shocked into insanity constantly or slugged just so he can go find the last survivor. Really nothing for survivors to do but hide and hope that the other dies first to have a chance at the hatch. Or if you are going against killers who have an instant down/kill ability or add on(Tombstone Myers w/fragrant hair, Hillbilly Chainsaw, Leatherface). Really nothing can be done to counter that but hide tbh.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 702

    I agree, in some cases it is impossible to finish gens. That's called checkmate as far as I'm concerned. Survivors hiding isn't a counter because if they both hide and the killer doesn't find them or refuse to down them like they refuse to do gens it goes to server end time which results in both survivors being sacrificed automatically

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 776

    I do not care about a 4k, I just want the round to eventually end. I don't care if you get hatch. I am not gonna be mad if you guys win.

    I just want the round to end. When you do this you are pettily extending a round because you're, quite frankly, salty you are losing and nobody will make a move. Just let someone be the one who dies, or do your gens around the map and go. One or the other, there is no reason for this.

  • Destaice
    Destaice Member Posts: 38

    I saw a twitter thread in which people suggested that if a survivor goes so long without being chased/touching a gen they automatically start getting AFK crows that wont go away unless they start touching a generator or get into a chase.

  • P0MNI
    P0MNI Member Posts: 15

    If there are 3+ generators left, what am I supposed to do as a survivor realistically?

    There’s no scenario where we get 3 generators. Killers play absurdly petty for the 4K too which doesn’t help. If you find someone at 1 gen 2 survivors, you hit them and then go back to the 3 gen because they’re injured.

    I’d show myself to get out of the game faster but then the killer slugs me and I have to sit on the ground for 4 minutes while you sweat your balls off looking for a survivor you 99% of the time aren’t going to find. At that point I might as well hide.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 702

    Exactly, you would scratch it up to a loss so would be willing to reveal yourself to move on possibly by doing a gen or something. But that's a rare instance in my experience. Most of the time both survivors want the hatch so both hide. That seems to be the issue. So to answer your question "what am I supposed to do as a survivor realistically"...answer is do gens, get slugged and hope the killer finds the other player before you bleed out.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411
    edited August 2024

    Soo, I had a huge brain fart could a mod please delete this post lol.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,842

    Saw this and figured it deserved a spot here...