The Ultimate Pig Main Wishlist

UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,933
edited October 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Fellow forum affectionados… I need your help in raising awareness for the good of all Pig kind! Please take time out of your day to upvote and comment on this issue…

Amanda is great, her fanbase is very loyal… and we are happy to call ourselves Pig mains no matter what… but there are some undeniable shortcomings with the SAW license in DBD… things that really need to change for the better!

Hello Zepp theme worked into all Pig audio

The standard DBD theme, chase and terror music is a cool jam, but SAW has very iconic music that would be amazing to see in DBD. This fan made version is incredible, and something that any Pig main would adore:

There is so much potential for a truly kick ass theme to be woven throughout all interactions with the Pig, that would make any SAW/Pig Main wilt…

Shawnee Smith to VA lines

The sounds of the Pig are great, the roar, the squeal when she gets tagged by pallets, we love these things dearly... however some voice lines for the Pig would be really cool, particularly Shawnee's iconic "Game Over" when a survivor dies of a head pop would be excellent.

We wouldn't need to many lines, Pig doesn't come across as overly chatty, but just odd lines now and again would be very welcome 😉

Shawnee herself has expressed interest and willingness to provide her voice, and with her recent re-addition to the SAW films, it's something we'd all love to see!

Unique Animations

Amanda is canonically 5 ft 3 in (160cm) and 107lbs (48.5 Kg). This has key plot implications in the films because although we know Amanda is Jigsaw's Apprentice, it doesn't make sense for someone as small as Amanda to be able to put full grown, unconscious dead weight men (or women bigger than her) into Jigsaw's various contraptions. We see her struggling to move people at various points, and this is what introduces Hoffman as the second Apprentice to Jigsaw to continue his work after SAW 3.

It would be great to have this detail honoured in DBD and give Amanda unique pick up and carry Animations that would have her drag survivors and hook them using a mechanism rather than just carrying them with 1 arm. The animation timings and transitions I would propose would be something like:

  1. Pickup 1: Stand to right of survivor and bend down, grab waist with left hand and lift survivor to waist height. - Instead Amanda will use her left hand to grab the waist and right to grab their left shoulder. She will pull towards her and roll them to onto their butt (sitting up). As she does this her face shifts from looking down at the survivor to looking forward.
  2. Pickup 2: Throw left hand under and catch survivor, lift survivor up on shoulder - As the survivor sits up from being rolled over, transition her left hand to grab the survivors left shoulder, and have Amanda step to the survivor to brace herself. Amanda is already facing forward and thus is subject to being blinded as normal.
  3. Stuns: Being blinded, pallet/decisive strike/head on stunned - the Pig let's go and is stunned as normal, the survivor rolls quickly to their feet, arriving in the same place and timeframe as they are usually when dropped of the shoulder.
  4. Carry: Moving with the survivor on shoulder - the Survivor is kept close to Amanda's left leg, and she walks with an action similar to Hillbillies limp to sell that she is dragging the survivor. Her right hand is free to attack as normal.
  5. Hook: Throwing survivor off shoulder onto the hook, Survivor writhes on the hook in pain before starting the summoning/sacrifice animations - The hooks for Amanda are on a chain and the survivor is instead pushed toward the hook as Amanda grabs the hook with her right hand, pulls it down quickly to jam the hook in their shoulder. The writhing animation is played out as the survivor is dragged via a ratchet up onto the hook.

Head/Neck/Mask Model Cleanup

I first want to say, I adore Pig, and she looks awesome in pretty much all her skins… however the model for Pig is a little dated, and shows some clear signs of early shortcuts back from the games infancy. A lot of the masks don't fit very well with other cosmetics, and the reason for this is her models are built is a way to conceal the jankiness of her model. Each individual cosmetic set looks great, but when you start mixing and matching them, the covers ups become clearer.

When you compare the masks to each other from the front, the relative size and dimensions of each mask is quite jarringly different (though mostly they still look good):

However from the side the issue is a little more clear. You can see Amanda's neck is literally horizontal and kinda long/unnatural looking. With the correct Amanda's Rebirth skinset, it's hard to notice cause of the cloak. The base skin is still decent cause its got a hood but if you take the Rebirth and Second Chance combo… it's pretty blatant and hard to ignore (which is a shame cause from the front, this combo looks pretty awesome as shown above).

The other skins tend to cover this up with jackets and/or hair, but her stooped and overly long neck is a problem hidden through all her skins. It would be nice to get her model cleaned up a little so that all the skin combos can fit together nicely… especially her base skin head… that thing is HOOGE!

Hand Model Cleanup

I have a feeling Pig's hand model is the byproduct of short-cutting a model elsewhere. I would guess Huntress offhand… The thing is her hands are fine for a man, or a large muscular woman… however Amanda is quite petite, and it looks really odd to see these large man like hands/sausages on the ends of my little Piggy arms…

If you compare her to Rin, Sadako, and Adriana, all characters that are similar size to Amanda (check it in the menu), her hands are HUGE! They looks fine as hands.. but they aren't a small woman's hands, and more modern characters have been done a lot better in this department… It'd be really nice to see Mandy's hands get redone properly and fit her correctly.

I realise these are fists a lot of the time, but even on her unclenched hands, her palms are so wide!

Working BOOP counter charm

A point animation performed by a survivor within 4m of the Pig is tallied on counter and displayed on a charm. The counter could look similar to the time on her Jigsaw boxes. Trust me:

Pig mains while continuing to not having these things:

To conclude, all of these things would be amazing to see on Amanda. I know she is a long in the tooth character for DBD now, and probably not pulling in the big revenue on new characters anymore…. but I, and any other pig main would be so happy to see to these changes come in and really bring Amanda to life…

She is such a cool character already, and this would just make her perfect…. no matter if you nerfed to the floor (plz don't)… I'd still play her ^🐽^

Without them, we can't help but look on and think:

"It's all bullshit. It's all a ######### lie. And I'm just a pawn in your stupid games..."

Post edited by UndeddJester on


  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 405

    I believe that this thread represents the collective voiced opinions/suggestions of Pig mains. QoL changes that we often hope will one day happen.

    The custom FAN MADE Saw/DBD theme is an absolute masterpiece that would be highly appreciated as it’s long overdue. If a fan could make this work so incredibly well, then imagine the theme being officially implemented within the game amongst the classic themes like Myers chase; she’s 1 of 3 last licensed killers (Freddy and Leatherface) WITHOUT a theme.

    Having something as simple as “Game Over” from the actress, Shawnee Smith, who embodies Amanda, would absolutely be another great addition. As you already stated, when she on the prowl looking for her target, she’s not saying much.

    For her animations, I believe that within the Entity’s realm the chosen killers are imbued with incredible abilities/powers which include strength and durability, so that would make sense in the realm for Mandy to be able to just pick up survivors with ease as she’s Arachno-fueled by the Entity. Though there’s no disagreement here with ANY positive updates on her animation. It’s welcomed!

    Her head models could definitely use some resizing, as it looks a bit funky when you try to combine any outfit not with the corresponding pig mask. Mainly being too big or too small (on the anniversary outfit, the other heads look atrocious).

    Her hands, especially when playing in first person, do look noticeably huge and looks more like hands John Kramer has as Jigsaw on his life-changing escapades. Simply resizing them would remedy this issue.

    These changes would he highly welcomed and enjoyed by the Pig community as we clamor for such QoL changes to be implemented within the game (no pun intended 🐷).

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,933

    For her animations, I believe that within the Entity’s realm the chosen killers are imbued with incredible abilities/powers which include strength and durability, so that would make sense in the realm for Mandy to be able to just pick up survivors with ease as she’s Arachno-fueled by the Entity. Though there’s no disagreement here with ANY positive updates on her animation. It’s welcomed!

    Psssst... I just want my mechanical hooks! 🤫

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,933
    edited August 2024

    Though when I think about it and let my fanboy brain off the leash... it would be awesome to have Hoffman as a legendary as well.

    It would be especially cool if Amanada had a set of animations like this (the work smarter not harder kinda idea), and we got Hoffman as a legendary with a more brute force approach similar to how Pig is now. He tended to be a little more ruthless in the films, so I'd love the mechanical hook to be something he more viscerally rams into the survivors shoulder than Amanda does.

    Having the 2 sets of animations to make the legendary feel more unique would be so cool...

    Unique moris between them as well? I'd happily pay a premium for that skin and all these other changes 🔥🐽🔥

    I better stop before I get too carried away with the idea... 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  • Jaysax
    Jaysax Member Posts: 38

    Thats all ok, but I would absolutely hate voice lines. Would be nice if they added a button to turn them off so you could get them and be happy.

  • HoodlumDX
    HoodlumDX Member Posts: 41

    They seem to get along pretty well with Lionsgate and they work together quite a bit so I don't think any of this should be too hard, especially a simple model update. Though I'd really like Hello Zepp for chase and menu music and it's what I want from her the most, I'm not really sure how the licensing for movie scores work and if it would really be beneficial for them to go out of their way and add it. Can hope though!!

  • XDgamer018
    XDgamer018 Member Posts: 24

    i think they should keep them small for example for her rbts when she puts them on "live or die make your choice" and when either an rbt or a hook kills a survivor she could say "game over"

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 896

    let her pick up the disabled traps to reuse them, please

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 704

    These are predominantly awesome ideas.

    The coding effort to add voice lines and chase music should be pretty minimal, so the only question is whether the monetary gain is there for BHVR to do all the licensing and swapping out or triggering of some sounds. I'd pay money to have those on my Pig. And since Saw XI is coming up, now is probably a great time for BHVR to try to capitalize on how loyal we Pig mains are to our mistress of boops.

    The dragging animation sounds fun too. It fits canonically, and in a sort of meta sense would be a solid nerf, which as we all know, Pig is constantly in dire need of.

    Overall, the timing is good for this as long as there's enough player interest in a Saw update. And I'd definitely enjoy some of these things!