Distortion Perk Rework

Just as a refresher, distortion does the following;
You start the trial with 3 tokens.
When your aura would be shown to the killer, the perk
activates and a token is activated.
For the next 10 seconds while the perk is activated, your
aura and scratch marks will not be shown to the killer.
Currently, tokens are consumed when;
- Barbecue & Chili activates
- Nurses Calling activates
- Bitter Murmur activates
- In Dream world (Constant consumption)
- (Not sure about this one but,) Addons such as; Wraith's "All seeing" - Blood.
For a perk that's supposed to be useful against aura reading, distortion is useless as it gets consumed way too fast. You can use lockers in some situations so that a token isn't consumed but then again, you could just not run the perk and use lockers throughout the entire game. Which brings me to my point, I don't want to be forced to use lockers the entire match, which is why I like distortion, but I feel like it needs to be buffed as currently, I go with 5-10 minutes of playtime to then realise all my tokens have been used. Just boosting the count of tokens to 6 would be a massive improvement. Or instead, make it so each safe hook save gives you a token back (max of 3 tokens). I feel like DbD needs more meta perks so players can create new strats, and recently all perks have been feeling a little useless. Great perk ideas.. just, needing a little more work on them.
I haven't really spoken much about Freddy's Dream World consuming all tokens in practically seconds because I feel like that's an obvious OOPSIE (Oversight?).
In conclusion, just want the perk to be buffed and don't really care much about how it is buffed. Gave some suggestions but maybe they're not the right approach to fixing the perk. If you agree with this post, cool. If not, please post the reason why.