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New former reshade user is now worried about getting banned



  • Member Posts: 4,903

    It's way easier to dodge a killer using the gamepad.

    I say that from both sides. (I survive chases more with a gamepad and survivors on gamepad dodge me more often than the typical K&M ones)

  • Member Posts: 4,903
  • Member Posts: 6,383

    DBD came out in 2016, and for about a year or so was just on Steam. Then in 2017 it was ported over to PS4 and Xbox1, and onto Switch. Afterwards came Windows & Stadia, and lastly the wonderful experience with adding in Epic. So for about a year early on it was just on Steam.

    Is it still too PC-favored? Depends on how you look at it. By far most of the players are on console, yet no M&K support and as you correctly point out many killers cannot be played anywhere near their full potential with a controller. For playing as a surv it's pretty good but not perfect. Then there's this lovely discussion here about filters and dismally small in-game options.

    However there's no PTB access, and no representation among the Fog Whisperers either. I'm not even sure if the devs can get their Tim Horton's in the morning without opening up Steam first. 🤣

    As for costs, that entirely depends on where in the world you are, and how strong a machine you build. For lots of reasons DBD is a unusually demanding beast in resources to run well. Iffy optimization is a part of that, plus the underlying 2016 coding the game's been built upon.

  • Member Posts: 2,171
    edited August 2024

    If that's the case, then why bother having a lights out modifier if darkness doesn't matter? Of course being able to see in dark areas makes a difference - again, there's an entire gamemode around it. Imagine going into Lights Out but still seeing the map ias normal - it'd be completely gamebreaking. Utilizing darkness both as a killer and a survivor is part of the game. There's plenty of times where ducking quickly out of sight and blending in with the environmental darkness could mean the difference of a goal being completed or not. It literally has a gameplay advantage over those not using lighting modifiers.

  • Member Posts: 4,725

    Thats why I think bhvr should add an in game toggle option to increase brightness and keep any outside software as it is. That way, all but the cheaters are happy.

  • Member Posts: 1,324
    edited August 2024

    I'm a horrible cheater then. Even with reshade i keep dying all the time and as a killer i get 0-1ks all the time. Only "Advantage" i get is that my eyes are thanking me and my game looks better than normally. People calling us reshaders cheaters is funny :P

  • Member Posts: 776
    edited August 2024

    But Survivors also have many more options basekit to track the Killer than Killers have for Survivors.

    I have never had any issue finding the Red Stain nor have I even had issues finding Stealth Killers who have none. The Red Stain is also much bigger and gives more information around tiles than Scratch Marks which are more scattered and spread out, the Red Stain shows you directly where the Killer is looking and approaching from while scratch marks just show what direction the Survivor maybe went.

    Survivors genuinely do not need a brighter Red Stain and aside from stealth there is nothing that makes the Killer able to do anything about the Red Stain period. Killers however do need brighter Scratch Marks when Survivors have multiple perks that hide scratch marks for them, make them more scattered, hide their pain noises, etc.

    There'd be no real reason to brighten the Red Stain, it already is pretty obvious.

  • Member Posts: 193

    It's not considered so by BHVR, but ANY form of external tool that gives you an advantage that other players have no access is a cheat regardless.
    Crosshair for example is the opposite. Is something that EVERYONE have access to, even if they have to put a sticker on their TV's screens or draw it with a pen over it.

  • Member Posts: 247
    edited August 2024

    Let's say EAC would detect Reshade, this means majority of Steam, MS Store and Epic Store gamers are gonna get banned and that would mean DBD would die, because I highly doubt that anyone would start to play this game again after all the grind.

    Also I don't understand why using Reshade is big deal for some people.

    NVIDIA settings changes brightness everywhere, that's not what I want. Putting too much Brightness on monitor isn't great solution either, because your aren't supposed to destroy your eyes with unnecessary light, besides some people are more sensitive to light than others.

    My monitor brightness is very dark by default, and I want brightness in most of the games I play, however, in DBD, it's not about wanting, it's about NEEDING. I also use higher brightness on monitor when playing DBD, because 50% brightness nor my Reshade alone isn't enough.

    I literally have 2 filters on my Reshade, other one is slight brightness boost and other one I don't remember, because I don't notice difference.

  • Member Posts: 4,725

    If you dont notice any difference with the second, then why have it at all?

  • Member Posts: 247

    Because it does something, and literally said "I don't remember what". But probably adds color or something.

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    That is false. Reshade/Nvidia were never OFFICIALLY supported by DBD. They were always "use at your own risk".

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