Does this game feel like it's losing more skill expression to you?
There is this weird feeling I have. The skill expression is slowly degrading thanks through aura perks, reworked maps and players generally giving up at the slightest inconveniences.
I'm witnissing it a lot lately. Survivors bringing lithe and windows of opportunity just to run to yellow and waste the killer's time but when all their plans get obliterated, it's a fast second hook stage to sacrifice stage in a blink of an eye because they don't get the way they want it to be. It could be variables that I have yet to understand. It could be that the killer they don't like, or their map offering got cancelled out by anothers offering. Who knows, who cares even, but the quality of matchmaking is taking a huge nose dive that's for sure.
Skill expression has gone down for the killer side because BHVR wanted to make the game as easy as possible for newbie killers. On the survivor side the game is probably the hardest it has ever been.
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I mean, just about any perk, item, map, tile, or combo that allowed any kind of outplay has been cried about incessantly and deleted from the game.
Where exactly are you going to find skill expression on, say, haddonfield: a tiny shoe box with nothing but dead zones?
Your post seems less about actual skill expression and more of a back handed attempt to complain about survivors wanting to go next. Which, ironically enough, when you delete most every form of skill expression, it shouldn't be surprising that people are less inclined to play the game on the losing team.
You go play killer, which similarly has lost skill expression, but instead you can slam your face on the keyboard and average out a 60% kill rate instead.
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Survivors bringing lithe and windows of opportunity just to run to yellow and waste the killer's time
I am in this post and I don't like it...
I never give up on either side tho. Well, games in general.
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My post states that reworked maps is also the cause of losing skill expression not just survivors, but I did faced killers that gave up as well.
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as the years have gone people still use stuff that basically plays the game on autopilot for them so when that stuff gets removed they don’t know what to do
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I thought you were going to talk about - flashlight saves are more easier now, and no hook grabs…
Skill expression…
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I wouldn’t think so I played against players dead Harding to pallets for years
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Weave + Franklins cough cough
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Blight's hug tech - removed, now he is just a basic version of himself relying on bump logic
Oni's shoulder/insta 180s - attempted removal, not possible on consoles
Haste related perks - idk why they are still being added into the game at all since haste by itself is already in an extremely unhealthy spot
Killer role has been dumbed down, survivor role has been dumbed down too. Unfortunately, i don't really expect community feedback to be listened to
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So glad people can see this. Makes me feel less crazy.
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Are you implying that equipping a perk that gives anywhere between 2 and 4 perks with of value is somehow skillful?
Interesting that dead hard (twice), flashbang+bp, FtP+bu, and an entire games worth of mind gameable tiles don't even make your list, but "OMG I equip a perk and get value" for literally zero user input is somehow considered the epitome of skill.
Why not include 3 genning if just playing PvE is the bar we're setting for skill. The bar for killer skill has literally been buried underground at this point, and people are still somehow tripping over it and complaining.
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I was simply moving off your point that a perk combo with insanely easy counter play ie (picking up the item and setting it down in a corner lmao) was cried about incessantly until nerfed. well not yet but soon.
Sorry but you're last point is beyond disingenuous. Almost if not all Killers have infinitely more skill expression just by the very nature of having powers. A Huntress, Blight or Billys sheer skill expression just from their kit is night and day to a survivors looping. Not to say survivors have zero skill expression because they obviously do.
Dead hard was a crutch perk 2nd chance perk with zero counterplay besides awkwardly rubbing against a survivor and trying to bait. Flashbang+ Bgp is still a broken and a zero skill combo that needs a change as it has zero counterplay since you can clip into a killers hitbox. Ftp+ Buckle up was again a zero skill combo because it has zero counterplay and gave free escapes in the end game.
Each side has perks that are "talentless" and require zero input. Windows Of Opportunity, old MFT/ Corrupt, Dead Lock for examples. Corrupt has been nerfed, Dead lock has been nerfed and MFT.
But yes I would much rather face a killer using Franklins and Weave instead of going against Pain Rez and Pop (which have zero counterplay) for the millionth time.
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Amen to that brother.
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Honestly, I've always hated the debate over what game mechanics are brainless. It really doesn't matter because it's a computer game, so nobody cares about a player's skill. Not to mention that accusing other people of lacking skill, really does reek of copium.
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It depends what you mean by skill.
There's macro skill. Making decisions about when to take chase, where to take chase, and which perks give the most value.
There's micro skill. Hitting powers as a killer, timing loops as a survivor, those types of things.
Then there's mind games and 50/50s where we get into the game of trying to make educated guesses about what the opposition is going to do.
I don't think any of those have changed, except maybe 50/50 situations becoming a little less common, but in my experience players aren't giving up anymore than they used (it is, and has been, a problem). Windows and Lithe aren't new and have always been really common perks, so I'm not sure why you highlight those.
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Yeah that's what happens when Killers rely on gen control too long, and Survivors rely on exhaustion and chase perks too long. They get carried.
Then when the nerfs come they don't know what to do…1 -
Absolutely. At least half of the killers released in the last couple years are essentially auto-pilot with little skill expression. And map changes have reduced many tiles to play-for-the-stun-or-die, because the pallet is a short wall/tiny wall setup that's unsafe at bloodlust 0. I miss check-spotting on survivor and having to be thoughtful with my killer power instead of "lol I'll just pick the pallet up outplayed". Wesker was the last truly great killer release to me.
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Idk, I play singularity and I get enough skill expression for fair payoff.
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What are you talking about. Nothing has changed, the devs have been removing almost all risk out of killers kit. That easily impacts the micro play level
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They've been on that for a while, they did reduce the speed of 360ing a while back, then they made flashlight saves incredibly easy, you can see their intentions with reducing the skill ceiling.
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you don’t, other people do
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Yeah and I can talk only for myself… Don't really care, if other players are weak.
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what risk has exactly been removed out of killer kits?
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Of all the things to gripe about… windows and lithe? That’s not even the best combination for either of those perks. lol. To your point skill expression is being removed on the killer side but increased on the survivor side. With maps shrinking and tiles getting worse, survivors are needing more skill to loop longer so that gens get done and they can escape.