A plea to have simon and shanoa as legendaries
Since castlevania was announced to be coming with survivor(s) i was quite excited to see which survivors would come with dracula. I was really hoping to have simon belmont and shanoa in the game. When we only got trevor by himself (and a version im not familiar with as he was a secret character in the game that version is from) i was kinda bummed but held onto hope that there would be several legendaries. When alucard was shown in the roadmap i was somewhat interested but still hoping for others. On launch day with the livestream seeing both simon and shanoa and even several others as simply cosplay outfits, i am devastated. As this not only means the team knew we wanted these characters, but also threw them in as simply clothes, and will never revisit the licence to add these characters later. So all i can do is ask if we can someday get more castlevania legendaries like simon belmont, shanoa, sypha, maria, and richter belmont. Please and thank you.