The Ghost Face staying crouched shouldn't trigger chase
It's vital that GF be able to do ambushes, but so many times when sneaking up on a completely oblivious survivor does the chase music suddenly kick in even if crouching and slowly moving around. This essentially robs Ghost Face from successful ambushes when he goes out of his way to set up an ambush. Crouching literally had zero actual effect in the game outside of appearing smaller - it would be nice if it had an actual mechanic to assist in sneaking up on people. You're already going slow crouching and won't be catching up to anyone who is running, so why have it initiate chase music? Give ghosties the opportunity to stealthy approach unexpecting survivors. Naturally, if ghostie uncrouches the chase would initiate, but if the ghostie is going out of there way to be moving slowly, at least don't suddenly have the game announce that the killer is near when they would have otherwise had no idea.
Here's a primary example of this issue. Ghostie takes the time to sneak up on an unexpected survivor on a gen, but just so happens someone ends up running in his view which kicks off a chase (in which he isn't even chasing them, mind you) which causes his position to be revealed and the ambush to entirely fail. This careful ambush essentially gets robbed over a non-existent chase that alerted the survivors.