The perfect legion rework
here’s my proposed rework to legion that will make him stronger and not too annoying that survivors complain:
The rework is called “Rogue Squad”
Activation: Press the active ability button to activate feral frenzy mode for 10 seconds
Movement speed: increases movement speed while in feral frenzy by 25%
Attack: your next attack while in feral frenzy inflicts the survivor with the exposed status effect and an Insta down
And causes the haemorrhage and exposed status effect for 60 seconds
Cooldown after feral frenzy ends it has a cool down of 30 seconds before it can be activated again
Ability: Frenzy Charges
- Stacks: Frenzy charges are built up through successful basic attacks and by hitting injured Survivors.
Effect: Each successful hit in Frenzy grants a stack of Frenzy Charges, up to a maximum of 3. Each stack decreases Frenzy's cooldown by 5 seconds
This isn't a good idea in the slightest- With the fact that Legion is significantly faster than survivors are and can vault windows + pallets many players will just disconnect the VERY INSTANT they hear his music since an immediate insta-down during Frenzy would just result in every chase ending as soon as they start.