Talk About Entitled...

I was playing a match as survivor - queuing up solo while my buddy went to go eat. It was Midwich against a Vecna, and he got a lot of early game pressure in the form of injures because everyone was grouped together - and then subsequently, he got a pretty quick down on a Feng. Everyone else is injured except me because I opted to split up in the beginning - so I go to get the save but notice a gen with 15% progress regressing - Feng's hook is right next to the gen, so I figure I can stop the gen from progressing before getting the hook save- to which fend immediately starts attempting until she's in second state.

I get her off of the hook, and she proceeds to hop in and out of a locker- classic give up - until I leave to go back to my gen, to which she follows me all the way there, drops a pallet and spam vaults it a few times causing me to leave.

The match progresses- but I notice the entire time she isn't doing anything - when I'm hooked, she in a locker - and when someone else is hooked (I have kindred equipped) - she's always in a locker- her character portrait and name lighting up each time she gets out of the locker

Eventually my other two teammates DC - no doubt after seeing her throwing a little fit in the corner - and while kindred is still active because one of them is being sacrificed- and Vecna is nearby, I run straight to her- drop a pallet and hop in and out of a locker- ofc she has a crow over her head since she's been walking in circles and jumping in and out of one locker slowly.

The killer was already on his way there and she runs into him - getting downed and sacrificed.

The Vecna proceeds to let me go as I rat out the bot for hatch- the whole time this anonymous feng is watching the entire thing by herself until I'm given hatch.

Gotta be my craziest interaction with randoms on dbd in a while- and I reported her for griefing - has anyone else experience stuff like this?


  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 496

    Unfortunately I experience this so often in SoloQ as a Surv that likes stealthier playstyles (I am helping the team, I am just not a front and center chaser - I basically, play support), I no longer play SoloQ at all if I can help it. SWF with at least one other person only.

    I never get that angry at the Killer (though sometimes I verbally salt, I understand why Killers do things like slug or camp or hover around some areas), I'm always much more angry at SoloQ Randoms. It's the one thing in this game that makes me wanna quit the game sometimes - well that and the occasional group of Survivors that just won't let my Killer play the game.