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Map sizes

jajay119 Member Posts: 967
edited August 31 in General Discussions

If BHVR insist on making all the maps the size of postage stamps moving forward, with Mount Ormond being the most recent one to have shrunk in the wash, can we at least go back to having some of the OG aesthetic that made the game more more atmospheric? Thicker fog, daytime maps being reverted back to night time maps (never understood daytime maps in a game called Dead by DAYLIGHT) and moonlight offerings reintroduced etc. I’m on board with making the game more accessible but it’s ridiculous that you can stand at any point in a map and see all four walls of the arena.

Post edited by jajay119 on


  • Efrost
    Efrost Member Posts: 33

    Id prefer that they go back to all those movement buffs they gave when killers said maps were too big and revert those personally.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 710

    I actually love coldwind daytime and think the dusk/day aesthetic of it is extremely beautiful but we do need more horror in this game. Sadly, I don't believe we're going to ever get horror atmospheres back in DBD. Recently fog in general was removed from gameplay and they seem intent on making this game in the same vein of fortnite where you just play for the gameplay and everything else is just bloat to sell content. Settings have always been unimmersive and very 'this is a video game' like but they're going full throttle into that direction now so I personally wouldn't expect any further atmosphere improvements from BHVR

  • Efrost
    Efrost Member Posts: 33

    I mean they are trying to supplement that horror elements by going the jump scare route with giving killers NUMEROUS ways to be undetectable. That isnt good horror its cheap and it honestly makes the gameplay worse for it.

  • Ilikechips
    Ilikechips Member Posts: 109

    No, maps will only get smaller and brighter in future like they have been over the last few years.

    Got to boost those kill rates somehow.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 249
    edited September 1

    Well they have added a lot of ambiance over the last year by putting a lot of estetic stuff like Walls, Bushes and trees everywhere. After that they now reduce the map size which is a good change at least imo.

    Some maps were just so big that you hat no chance of holding gens cause you couldnt get there in time. Especially with the 4.4 non Mobility killers like huntress or old trickster

    Had literary matches where I loaded in with lethal, saw 2 survivors hop on a gen on the other side of the Map and by the time I was there gen was done and survivors were gone. Thats not fun gameplay

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 174

    As a killer main I miss the old Aesthetics and atmosphere

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,060

    So what do you want? Maps for gameplay, or aesthetic?

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,383

    The original iteration of Chapel had both and it was a perfect map.

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 661
    edited September 9

    no moonlight offering please, the game used to be unbearably dark, im all for bringing back old aesthetic but no moonlight offerings making the map pitch black please.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 800

    I feel like a minority for having loved thr pitch black house on Garden of Joy.

    That building was so OP for looper that I honestly did not care that it was OP for stealth too

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 109

    Honestly, I would love a darker and foggier game.

    Would even buff some killers like Trapper and Hag as their traps won't be as visible to the naked eye. Coldwind is an eye sore to load in on and I'm surprised Behavior hasn't said anything about it, especially when they had the Lights Out modifier.

    It would make the game much more horror based... Imagine walking into a Myers by accident because of a darker and foggier map, lol.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 317

    Being reduced in size is fine in theory, the main problem is that these new map variants also tend to become more barren than the originals, for some reason. It's like they purposely exist only to increase the total % of killer-sided map in the game.

  • pa4n
    pa4n Member Posts: 50

    I really miss the horror atmosphere. I mean the new maps look cool but the eerie vibe got lost unfortunately.

    Also imo coldwind maps should be in the moonlight not like we have it now. I think it would still possible to see even on a TV screen and it would increase the atmospehre so much

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,892

    -Had literary matches where I loaded in with lethal, saw 2 survivors hop on a gen on the other side of the Map and by the time I was there gen was done and survivors were gone. Thats not fun gameplay.

    That can still very much happen, can it not?

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 807
    edited September 10

    My issues with new maps:

    1: They are getting smaller and smaller with every one released. Also, loops are getting weaker.

    2. Fog is nonexistent. Revert the fog removal and make it so that the reagents do something.

    3. Some maps are too bright. Eyrie, Ormond and Coldwind in particular. Make coldwind take place shortly after sunset, and add a snowstorm/sandstorm to Ormond/Eyrie.

    Edit: Almost forgot an smaller issue: Breakable Walls seem to have been abandoned as a concept. Evidence: Look at maps from Project W onward.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,196

    They're very close to making the maps very balanced. I think this is the ultimate goal.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 915
    edited September 10

    There has been a definite shift in the "sidedness" of maps in the recent 3-4 years. Whereas in the past I would say a good 60 or even 70% of maps more so leaned survivor-favouring, with 10-20% favouring killers and the rest being more or less balanced, now it can not only be said that there is a bit of an even split between sided maps, but the amount of balanced maps has also grown considerably.

    All of this is obviously difficult or impossible to objectively quantify, and the fact that maps are procedurally generated in somewhat unique ways every trial further complicates things, but here's my rough take on it:

    Of 53 maps, I think 14 (26%) are survivor-favouring:

    Groaning Storehouse I

    Ironworks I

    Blood Lodge

    Gas Heaven


    Disturbed Ward

    Grim Pantry (much depends on the pier version that spawns however, with a bad pier it's a map that would fall under balanced)

    Badham Preschool I-V

    Eyrie Of Crows

    Garden Of Joy

    13 (24%) are killer-favouring:

    Coal Tower II

    Resting Place

    Rancid Abattoir

    Rotten Fields

    Thompson House


    Temple Of Purgation

    Sanctum Of Wrath I & II

    Dead Dawg Saloon

    Forgotten Ruins



    And 26 (~50%) are more or less balanced:

    Coal Tower I

    Groaning Storehouse II

    Ironworks II

    Shelter Woods I & II

    Suffocation Pit I & II

    Wrecker's Yard

    Torment Creek

    Wretched Shop


    Pale Rose

    Mother's Dwelling

    Family Residence I & II

    Ormond I-III (depending on RNG can swing killer or survivor)

    Greenville Square

    Shattered Square

    RPD East & West



    I'm undecided on Nostromo and Toba Landing - I think they're both more so leaning killer but I can't really tell, they also have things going for survivor. So I'll count them under balanced.

    While this trend is a good thing, I think with a few maps they have gone a little too far (such as Haddonfield and the recent Coldwind adjustments, or the Red Forest reworks and the worrying trend of what's happening with MacMillan), and it can also be said that what more than anything else complicates things is that there are many different killers that of course change how the base "sidedness" of a map plays out in practice, as well as whether the sidedness isn't reversed altogether (e. g. Blight (a top tier killer) struggling on Lery's to the point of it becoming survivor-sided, vs. Ghostface (a low tier killer) excelling on it and it being decidedly in his favour). A Groaning Storehouse spawning an average of 12-14 pallets may be fine as and against a Legion or Trapper, but with a Billy or Blight in play that melt through these pallets, 16-18 would seem more appropriate. And so on. So this all is not very accurate or too telling of the match-to-match reality, but the general trend is certainly there, and there are only few maps left where you load in as killer and think you're fighting an uphill battle just on the basis of that, and there's now also a few where you have that feeling as survivor.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 218

    I think the reason may be to make the game more watchable, aka removing the boring hold w until something happens part of the game.

    For example, these new maps come included with more playable pallets and hiding spots in the edges so less holding w and more chaing loops, which is more impressive than running away while both sides akwardky look at each other until they close the gap.