Dark lord feedback

Dracula feedback 🦇

- Vampire form: His best form by far, and still has a lot of counterplay, maybe Qol let him drag it a little bit, it's a bit easy to dodge if you're paying attention and looking behind you, there's a clear sound queue and you can just move to the side

- Wolf form: underpowered, no real reason you would want to play him, other than playing as a wolf and pay the high price of it.

Proposed changes:

* breaking pallet animation takes too long, he breaks the pallet at a decent speed, but then he has to howl and be locked in animation for a long time, reduce the time, and let him move at a lower speed while he's awoooing so you dont lose as much distance.

* If you miss your pounce you are locked into a second pounce, this gives survivors too much distance, let him hold the 2nd pounce for a bit and decide if he wants to use it or not (he doesn't use it if the timer ends), 2nd ponce is also very difficult to aim on controller, feels wobbly and like it'll go anywhere except where you want to go.

* Remove the limitation of moon walking, just give him a smaller red stain if you need to (i dont even know if he has a red stain, no body uses wolf), he's a good boy he deserves it

- Bat form: by far his weakest form, this is supposed to be his map traversal tool, you're better off getting to the place by walking or in bat form without teleporting, no one paying attention is going to stay at a gen unless they're absolutely sure they can greed it and finish it. You can just walk away and have him waste a lot of time looking for you, mobility means nothing if you can't get in chase or interupt someone, proposed changes: movement speed increase to at least 7m/s, 9 m/s would be great, he still has to transform and find someone. Let him see survivors, currently it's too much on the survivors side, you can use a filter to reduce visibility, to stay thematic if you need to. Increase teleport speed too.

+ Please lets not have any c or d tier killers any more, b tier is not balanced, is the weakest anyone should be, b tier may be balanced for mid solo Q, buff solo Q instead of releasing weak killers. Licensed killers have been the ones to consistently release in a weak state (with some rare exceptions) and people are always asking for nerfs(please dont). Best to add useful tips on the loading screen like: you can duck walk (crouch walk) to avoid victor detecting you (no body seems to know this)

🙏🏻 Thank you 🙏🏻

I'm not arguing with anyone, just leaving this here for the devs, I'm trying to be in my congenial era, thank you


  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 496

    Im surprised batform isnt like how dredges darkness mechanic works where you can only see people close by and gens at a distance