Fogs of War - Chapter Idea (Work-in-Progress)

Hi all! My name is Nyx. I’ve been bored lately and feeling creative so I wrote up some basic ideas for a new killer and survivor release. This is including perks, the killer’s power, some of the killer’s add-ons names, a base/bullet-point backstory for each and their names. Hope you all enjoy!

Axel Grimwald “The Commander”

Movement: 110%/4.4 m/s

Terror Radius: 32 meters

Bio: 2072-2076 energy war, axel was a curious boy born in 2052, used research into chameleon/octopus appearance shifting abilities to develop hyper camouflaging, after time serving as an infantryman in energy war he gained a new perspective on humanity after his technology saves his life over a comrade and believed himself worthy to bring new evolution in war capabilities, developed research over time, becoming more and more obsessed with the human body, eventually used his research to splice together human gametes with dna in such a way that allows for the subjects to alter not just their cells’ appearance but their makeup as a whole, allowing for complete shapeshifting and an entirely new method of espionage, though newborns were imperfect, able to shapeshift and act intelligently but lacked physical fortitude, making them expendable, after enough failed attempts at molecular stability he became desensitized to the growing number of deaths, seeing this as an opportunity, he prepared a fleet of expendable infantry with which he would infiltrate enemy bases, gathering intel and assassinating enemy assets, uses plasma pistol picked off of dead soldier he watched die, in 2098 he brutally and masterfully broke into a nuclear missile base, originally with the intent to halt their production and launch, ended up questioning his commanding officer’s orders and launched the missiles himself so he could remake humanity in his image, as he entered the base’s nuclear shelter, he murdered everyone who had already made it there and cleared out their bodies so that he and his doppelgangers could inhabit the space alone, as the missiles annihilated the world above, a black fog began to seep into the shelter through the vents, this terrified axel at first, until he realized that this would be the perfect opportunity to test out his work on less defensible subjects

Weapon: Bitter Cold Steel ( black army knife )

Power: TMP-Pistol

Standard issue handgun for commanders of the Energy War, mainly designed to locate and expose inanimate targets but can have devastating effects without the right protection. Traced, bullet-sized pods of explosive plasma make for a cruel punishment for those that stand to flee.

Tracing Plasma-Bullets

Press and hold the Power button to aim down sights. Press the Attack button to shoot tracing rounds that pierce into the bodies of any survivors hit. Initiating a chase with an affected survivor activates the tracer. If left activated for too long (30 seconds), the tracer becomes unstable and explodes with scorching plasma.

While a survivor’s tracer is activated, their location is revealed by killer instinct until the tracer is gone. If the survivor loses a health state while the tracer is active or the chase ends and is not restarted quickly (2 seconds), the tracer deactivates harmlessly.

Special Enemy; Doppelgänger Infantry

Appears to be a living survivor. If a survivor is spotted, the doppelgänger will chase them until either they are destroyed or they reach their target.

When a doppelgänger reaches a survivor, they will Grapple them. While grappled, a survivor is interrogated. After a survivor is successfully interrogated, all survivors’ locations are revealed by killer instinct and the victim is injured. If a survivor is already injured and successfully interrogated, they are inflicted with the Deep Wound status effect.

Add-ons (incomplete)

Chameleon Tail - common

Octopus Tentacles - common

Spent Tracer Casings - common

Footman’s Badge - common

Chromatophores Sample - uncommon

Doppelgänger Sheddings - uncommon

Bloody Forceps - uncommon

Damaged Headgear - uncommon

Knife Polish - uncommon

Blood-splattered Uniform - rare

Recruitment Papers - rare

Mud-caked Magazine - rare

Plasma Vial - rare



The presence you exude is yours to control. Whenever a survivor would see your aura, Shapeshifter activates.

  • Instead of seeing yours, the survivor sees the aura of a random other survivor in your place.
  • Afterwards, this perk goes on cooldown for 25/18/15 seconds.

Additionally, when not within 16 meters of a survivor, you assume the visual form of a random survivor. This effect lasts 2/3/3 seconds after entering the range of a survivor.

Guerrilla Warfare

As an expert in the unknowable, you come to predict when others attempt to deceive you. When 2 or more survivors are crouched within 6/8/10 meters of each other and are within your terror radius, their auras are revealed to you.

Hex: Search and Destroy

Your mission is clear and your intent to see it done is unstoppable. After hooking a survivor, if there is still a dull totem on the map, Hex: Search and Destroy lights it.

You see the aura of any survivors working on generators for 5 seconds, gaining a token on Hex: Search and Destroy for each survivor revealed this way. The next time a survivor who had their aura revealed is put into the dying state, a token is consumed, the generator with the most progress instantly explodes and starts regressing.

  • Instantly regresses affected generators by 5/10/15%.

Hex: Search and Destroy deactivates once all tokens have been consumed, and does not reactivate if a survivor manages to cleanse its hex totem before all tokens have been used.

Noura Soliman

Bio: Refugee of energy war, only survived because she had to climb her way out of her apartment building which was bombed, after war ended and she was rescued by relief squadron, she chose to join a rescue squad which specialized in clearing rubble and finding trapped survivors, when she was on a normal stroll, having retired from her duties, the 2098 nuclear apocalypse that ended most of humanity occured, as she stood and awaited her fate, when the waves of debris began to approach her, it all faded into a cascading black fog that sucked her into the entity’s realm.


Relief for the Oppressed

The strong often abuse and ignore the weak, the least you can do is to relieve as much of the pain as possible. After another survivor is hooked, all injured survivors gain 15/20/25% of their missing Healing Progression towards their Health Bar.

After unhooking another survivor, you heal others 35% faster for 30 seconds.

On the Brink

Even when death’s glare is hot on your back, you always find a way to pull through. When you are in the dying state for 10/8/6 seconds, On the Brink activates.

  • Bleeding is suppressed
  • Reduces the volume of grunts of pain by -50%.
  • Grants the ability to crawl into a locker, other survivors see the aura of the locker you enter.

When you are healed or recover from the dying state, you see the killer’s aura for 8 seconds.

Urgent Care

Some situations call for more rapid attention, being able to act quickly can mean the difference between life and death. You start the trial with 1/2/2 tokens on Urgent Care and gain one whenever another survivor is injured within 32 meters of you, up to a maximum of 3/4/5.

Your healing speed on other survivors is 20% faster for each token, up to a maximum of 60/80/100%. After you finish healing another survivor without a medkit, lose 1 token.