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My Sadako wishlist with a revert to her first version

Langweilg Member Posts: 777
edited September 15 in Feedback and Suggestions

Please fell free and leave a comment about what you like and dislike.

My main problem with her reworks is that survivors are forced to grab tapes, which makes them turn off all TVs 📺 that I wana use for teleporting. She was so much more fun back in the days when she could still use her TVs frequently. I don’t think this can be fixed in this version, so I want her old first versions mechanics back. I know many felt like condemned was too weak, but I think with more opportunities to spread condemned like with the removed or reduced cooldown of TVs, lock in condemned and new things here, this would have changed significantly.

Old mechanics being reintroduced and current ones changed

  • Passive condemned: Every 25s of holding a tape you get 1 stack condemned
  • Only one TV spreads condemned


  • TVs no longer turn off after projection (was 45s) - might be too much, but maybe not 🧐???, would need to get tested
  • TV auras getting removed - This is one of the most annoying things when playing her. 1. Survivors instantly find a TV and turn it off 2. Her tp is so useless, because survivors always know where you will tp to and then they just run the opposite direction. Imagine survivors always knowing out of which locker dredge would come!
  • Condemned gets spread in a 20-24m range (was16m) - to help with prerunning, which was a problem back then and to get stacks easier onto survivors
  • Tape ineration speed 1,5-2s (was1s) - In live it‘s far too fast
  • Visible duration while flickering is 1s (was1,5s) - to make the invisibility happen more often
  • The lullaby range decreased to 12m (was 24m) - so survivors do not instantly run away when it shows up in the visual heartbeat
  • Her invisibility flicker is 1,3s long (was 1,2s when excluding the bug, that makes it a lot shorter than intended) - I think her flicker should be made better and please don‘t make the addon bad, because of it

Quality of Live

  • In Sadakos post manifest flicker the red stain is hidden or she gets there undetectable there (new) - to make her flicker better for mindgames since it gives you away
  • She no longer gets slowed down when manifesting or demanifesting (was 4,0ms) - It is unnecessary in my opinion and her hindered addon would actually become good through this change
  • Flickers for 4s after projection (new) - would be a nice little change and she also does that in the movies
  • Demanifest flicker and manifest flicker get the same values - I never understood why there is a difference, especially why we have 2 addons for the same thing
  • Her invisibility does not deactivate through breaking pallets, vaulting and switching from demanifest to manifest - this would give her more ways to mindgame survivors (new)
  • TVs no longer turn off when spreading sadakos curse by putting away the tape - it makes no sense that the last TV you put your tape away turns the TV off, it should probably even turn the TV on since the curse is spread and cleansed by others watching the clip on the TV
  • Hooking a survivor gives all other survivors 1 stack of condemned - this is to encourage hooking over slugging and to actually chase someone instead of tp spamming (new)


  • 🔴Iri videotape: Hitting a Survivor within 8 seconds after Manifesting turns on the last 2-3 TVs turned off
  • 🟢Well water might need a new effect since the red stain would be hidden now while flickering
  • 🟢Ring drawing: Condemned Survivors spread their Condemnation to other Survivors, who complete a Healing action on an injured Survivor. - The old effect was a lot cooler/stronger/uniquer and it‘s basekit
  • 🟢Rickety pinwheel: Survivors suffer from the obvious effect and hear no lullaby, when within 16m (was 8m) of any TV. This effect lingers for 7 seconds after turning off a TV. - This addon got rarely used, because it doesn‘t really activate in the live version since there survivors are encouraged to take tapes and in her former version it was ok, but not really useful since you are normally not walking around the map outside of her power. The range was also too small and often didn‘t even reach gens.
  • 🟡Yoichis fishing net: Reduces the time it takes Survivors to acquire another stack of Condemned by -12 % when holding a tape (revert to its old effect) - The current effect does not really activate often and the older one was a lot more useful. We also do not really need 2 blindness addons.
  • 🟡Sea-soaked cloth: Survivors suffer from the blindness Status effect when within 16m (was 8m) of any TV (was only turned on TVs). This effect lingers for 7 seconds after turning off a TV -The range was too small to be useful and in live TVs are always turned off, so it didn‘t activate much.
  • 🟡Reikos watch gets a new effect since its effect gets moved to 🔘old newspaper. I never understood why there is a diffrence between demanifest flicker and post demanifest flicker in terms of addons and power. Old newspaper would still be +33% for manifest and demanifest flicker invisibility
  • 🟡Clumb of hair: Reduces the threshold for full Invisibility while Demanifasted by 10m (was 4m) -The 4m don‘t really matter and until 8m it would probably still not matter. The addon could be really cool if it wasn‘t that weak.
  • 🔘Cabin sign and 🟡well stone need both new effects since their effects are too minor already or they need a big buff and cabin sign would do nothing if there is no cooldown after projection
  • 🔘Videotape copy might need a new effect too or it needs to be increased to 6m (was 2m), but l don‘t know how useful that would be

Many of her current addons are bad, because they are designed for her first version, so reverting her would automatically make some of them a lot better.

Addon ideas

  • The haste she would get from protection, gets turned into slowness and given to survivors for the duration of the speed in a 16m range of the TV. - Would be a fun meme addon. I would make this addon yellow or grey
  • Sadako can tp to a turned off TV and activates it afterwards again, she does not spread condemned when doing it. - would be strong addon and would give you unlimited teleport as her. This addon would be greeen or purple
  • Hitting survivors with tapes, breaks the tape - As a small little counter against tape delivery. I would make it grey. Wether or not it should give condemned, I let you decide.
  • Every time a generator gets completed every survivor gets a stack of condemned - Another way to spread condemned, could maybe even be basekit in this version. I would make it yellow or green addon
  • Edit: At the start of a match she crawls out of a random TV near a survivor - This would be nice to get into chase quick at the start of a match. I would make it grey.

Post edited by Langweilg on


  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 203

    The thing i miss about first version of sadako was that people werent 100% focused on spreading condemnes for instakill turning almost all sadako players into spammers that dont even try to hook anyone. I liked using her semi stealth and mobility as a challenging way to mind game and catch people regardless of how strong or weak she was, she was still capable of killing people. She was even fun to play against back then because it wasnt all about the tvs getting spammed and constantly running to go get ur condemned stacks down. So yea id love to see her revert to before and a slight buff wouldnt hurt so long as it doesnt incentivise spamming

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 777

    100% agrees. I loved her mobility and the creepy chases she had back then. She was like everywhere at all times. When you thought you were save, she crawls out of the TV next to you. It was so much fun.

    My focus was that you can play her in a chase way again while keeping condemned in a good spot. Currently her chase is so bad, because TVs are always offline and the TV auras, which give you always away. The flicker would be a lot cooler to use now and the condemned is probably in a better and less boring spot than it is now.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,093

    They will adjust her again I am sure. The good news is they have been going through all the killers pretty quickly to make adjustments. Some just need minor tweaks and some need major.

    I like that that they are paying attention to all of it

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 777

    I really hope so.

    Are there any things you like or dislike?