Jack of all trade killers are a failure

After the recent release of both Vecna and Dracula, it's somewhat safe to conclude that these jack of all trade killers are a dismal failure for they are a master of none. To clarify, this is mostly directed at Dracula as Venca is quite unique in his own right, but still suffers from the same issue.
The concept behind The Dark Lord was to create a killer that tranform freely between several forms, each with their unique purposes and abilities to overcome various obstacles to kill the survivors. This comes in the form of his hellfire which is similar to Pyramid Heads ability, and/or Nemisis whip. Then we have the wolf form which can perform two pounces similar to Demo and Wesker. Lastly is his bat form which is faster, but cannot see survivors or attack survivors, similar to Spirit who can attack. Dracula has multiple abilities similar to other killers already in the roster and thus they are all individually weaker to justify having multiple powers. Very quickly Dracula has become unplayed, mainly because evey other killer does what he does, but better and much more effectively. He also suffers quite a bit at high mmr.
Vecna is a slightly different story because his power is much more unique. However, he suffers from the same case of having multiple powers which means all of then are far weaker. Spirits of the damned is a good example of this for they infamously easy to dodge while rarely netting much value. His orb more often than not has been called useless, the activation of it actually being a detriment in some cases.
All I'm getting at is that these killers with plus three to four abilities is not going well. Vecna and Dracula are already in the dumpster in terms of play rate. Killers with a core ability have always proved to be so much more fun. Why play Dracula when three other killers do what he does but a hundred times better?
I play him because he's Dracula and because having the variety is still a lot of fun. I can't get that sort of variety on anyone else. Not every Killer should or can be for everyone. Dracula is for me.
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Very quickly Dracula has become unplayable
Dracula is not a bad Killer tbh, and Ive seen them a lot in my games.
Here is the thing though, you are allowed to not enjoy things. If you dont like Dracula, that is perfectly fine and cool, but that does not diminish how good they are either.