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8 years and BHVR still hasn't developed a decent working system for the early game


What is the problem? Is it the cost? Or perhaps because the developers have not yet been able to create a satisfactory concept?

I don't know

I think the developers also rely on numbers and data. Facts don't lie and it doesn't matter who represents whose opinion.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of proposals, but none of them have been implemented or have been satisfactory to the developers. I now ask: What can we do? .....nothing

The question remains: What happens next? Genregress is becoming more and more nerfed. Tunneling and camping should be less lucrative according to the developers. Excuse me, but take a look at the meta?

The SBMM is not really an SBMM (bad name). It doesn't matter how well you do. In the end, only kills and escapes count. I think that's terrible. But thats just my opinion. Killers force to tunnel because otherwise they can't keep up. The generators fly too fast. A group of survivors who know how to play defeats every killer, everyone, trust me.

It's no different on the survivors' side. Why look for totems or search boxes? Generators are much faster and take less time. Perks such as resilience, dejavu and the like also favor this. I haven't even mentioned toolboxes and BNPs yet. There are also many tools for second chances or other perks such as DS, Windows etc. to prolong chases. There are so many different perks that are hardly used because the risk of defeat is much higher than using meta perks. I call that wasted resources. Why develop something like that? Or why are some brown add-ons better than purple ones? It's completely counterproductive.

Is that healthy in the long run? I don't think so. If the developers ever think about changing the meta, it's not enough to just adjust a few perks.

What's your opinion on this?

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  • Member Posts: 5,499

    The best early game is had if the Killer has Lethal Pursuer.

  • Member Posts: 4,872

    It's not really an easy thing to implement as a basekit solution if you think about it. When you take into account the difference in power between the S tiers and someone like Ghostface or Trapper, then it becomes very hard to manufacture a solution that is good enough for the low tiers while not being insanely busted for the high tiers.

    It's why they scrapped the whole "early game collapse" thing. They couldn't find a fun and elegant solution for it.

  • Member Posts: 342

    I prefer a sensible EC system to the current one. That's all I'm trying to say with this post. It's not about whether Killer or Survivor is better. I play both 50-50, I just want there to be something that creates new incentives.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    It would. Just give killer 15s Corupt Interverntion basekit. This would solve survivors jumping on a gen the second the game starts and give the killer a little bit of early game orientation, without being overtly restrictive for the survivors. But that 15s could make or brake the game.

    Also: don't start the killer smack in the middle of the map, thats just unfair. Let them start on the edge, so that an experienced killer can at least have a very good guess where one survivor might have spawned. But being in the middle its just a coin toss and there have been instances where I chose wrong and 3 gens popped without any opposition, because I just wasn't there.

    As a sidenote: always spawn survivors together, instead of on separate gens. This way they must either spread out and find gens, or complete that one gen together fast, but leaving the other gens alone.

    Any or all of this changes aren't that big, but help a bit to aleviate the pain of losing 3 gens in the first chase, which is the number one reason a killer might decide to hardcore tunnel. Some killers just wanna tunnel, but I actally don't, I want fun games that last longer then 7min. And in todays day and age that usually means to tunnel someone out asap, because I jsut don't have the luxury of time as 3 years ago.

  • Member Posts: 342

    I understand your point and agree with it, but it's not about making survivors weak at the start of a game. Then I wouldn't have any motivation to play survivors myself. Rather, it's about developing something that directly prevents survivors from stubbornly sitting on a gene. Even if that's the main goal at the moment. That could be, for example, gas cans that you have to find first to start the generators or something else. New incentives, you know what I mean? Something new. The main thing is that the games aren't over after 5 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 663

    How long did it take for them to remove hatch standoff?

  • Member Posts: 5,921
    edited September 2024

    Well they did that already in the anti-3 gen mechanic. By the games LITERAL DESIGN the killer is "stronger" later in the game, but that is because it is easier to defend gens, but you can't defend them very well when you can't regress them.

  • Member Posts: 5,921

    Except the problem is that if killers lose 3 gens in the first chase (which is typical against teams that actually do gens) they used 2 god pallets, everyone can just shift+w to a corner of the map and get 4 man out every time.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    Bring Corrupt Intervention, it is very good.

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