Why Nerfed Self-Healing is Killing the Thrill in Dead by Daylight



  • can we not open this can or worms again? I’m tired of the back and fourth on healing, this horse is already a Skelton please stop beating it.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    To be fair, the rat cowards that play this way are hiding until they get healed regardless. I'd rather them be visible and allow me to stop them from being an idiot than hide and lose from an early 3v1 with 4 Survs alive.

  • ArthurVeloso
    ArthurVeloso Member Posts: 248

    Hey, let’s keep this dicussion tread civil. Calling players "rat cowards" or "idiots" is counter productive to our conversation here. Follow the community guidelines. People have different playstyles, and while they may not always align with your preferences, it doesn’t mean we should insult them.

  • ArthurVeloso
    ArthurVeloso Member Posts: 248

    Hey, friend! I totally understand your argumentation on BHVR’s tendency to overcompensate when balancing perks and mechanics, but I think it’s important to look at self-healing in a broader context and push for a more balanced approach rather than a complete shutdown of the mechanic.

    You mention that self-care didn't need such a harsh nerf, and I fully agree that the drastic change felt over the top. However, this is exactly why advocating for a self-healing buff — whether it's through Self-Care or other means like Circle of Healing — is reasonable. The core of self-healing isn’t inherently broken; the issue lies in how it's balanced to fit the current meta. A well-tuned self-healing mechanic adds strategy without tipping the scales too far in favor of survivors.

    Let’s look at the main concern here: healing pressure and efficiency. BHVR nerfed self-care because it was seen as too powerful, with survivors being able to heal repeatedly and negate killer pressure. While this was a valid concern, BHVR’s response — cutting self-care’s speed and effectiveness to the ground — has left a gap. Healing was once a reliable way for survivors to regain footing in a chase-heavy game, but now, survivors are forced into limited options, which makes the gameplay less dynamic. The over-nerfing has essentially funneled survivors into team-dependent strategies, reducing variety and taking away that "self-sufficiency" element that made healing perks enjoyable for a lot of players.

    Now, when we talk about healing being "too efficient," we have to ask — compared to what? Sure, self-healing at its peak allowed survivors to heal themselves frequently, but it came at a cost: it was slow, required a perk slot, and left survivors vulnerable. Killers, meanwhile, have immense map control, stealth, and speed, and a properly buffed self-care wouldn’t break the balance in favor of survivors. In fact, a modest buff — say 40-45% healing efficiency — would make self-care usable again without reverting to the unbalanced meta it once was. It gives survivors an option to heal, but it's still slower and more dangerous than coordinating with teammates.

    In a game where killers have incredible momentum with perks that snowball, like Gen regression perks, a slight self-healing buff provides a crucial counterbalance. The game needs to offer multiple viable strategies for survivors, and right now, with the nerfs to healing, we're seeing less diversity in perk builds and more dependency on cooperative strategies. That can be fun, but it also limits the ways players can approach the game.

    Regarding Circle of Healing, adding a self-care option to it would fit within the current healing framework, especially since CoH has already been heavily nerfed. It would restore some value to the perk without making it overpowered. Survivors who choose CoH would still have to invest time to set up healing zones and be limited to specific areas, but it adds back an element of self-sufficiency that has been sorely missing. Self-healing gives survivors another layer of strategic flexibility without overpowering the overall gameplay.

    I get the comparison to Billy, but there's a difference here: with Billy, the problem was in his high-mobility one-shot potential, which was too oppressive. In contrast, self-care never had that oppressive quality — it was a slow, methodical way for survivors to regain control. The nerf to self-care removed that option almost entirely, leaving survivors too vulnerable in many situations. BHVR did go too far, but this is exactly why we should be advocating for a reasonable buff to self-healing measures. It restores balance without going back to the old meta.

    In summary, while BHVR's overcompensation with nerfs is a valid point, this doesn’t mean self-healing shouldn’t be buffed. A balanced, moderate buff to self-care and self-healing perks like Circle of Healing would enhance survivor gameplay without reverting to unbalanced metas of the past. In fact, there is really no point to even run different medkits since their overdone nerf.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    Except these playstyles actively endanger the entire team and are purely for selfish purposes.

    The devs allowing it doesn't make it right and it's nonsensical that you can have a selfish loadout in a game where teamwork is so important.

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658
    edited September 2024

    I understand the sentiment but I was directly responding to somebody saying the reason selfcare got nerfed was because and I quote: “But people cried enough to get it nerfed unfortunately.”

    I was just explaining the real reason it got nerfed, I haven’t stated my opinion on self healing at all.

  • ArthurVeloso
    ArthurVeloso Member Posts: 248

    This not a sound justification to insult players here. That's against the community guidelines.

  • ArthurVeloso
    ArthurVeloso Member Posts: 248

    Ohhh! I got it my friend. I misunderstood you! But yeah, I feel that we need more options available without having to make a whole build around it.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,304

    I think you're focusing quite a lot on Self Care and Circle of Healing specifically here, when survivors have quite a few more tools for keeping themselves healed up without the need for a teammate available.

    Is there some quality to those two options that you think elevates them above everything else, such that they should be the dominant sources of self healing? If so, would you be in favour of everything else getting nerfed to compensate, or do you just not think those tools are good to begin with?

    I don't mean to sound accusatory, I'm just curious about your position here.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Self healing was nerfed too much med kit tiers should be different with more charges and faster healing. Selfcare was fine with the speed before maybe the amounts could been limited instead just reducing the speed and I think it was nerfed because it was popular.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I'm like 30-70% confident this poster is a bot. His pattern of speech is needlessly formal, it feels all too artificial, the detailed sections appear to conform around prompts, the time between posts (with their length and level of formality, like dude wrote 8 paragraphs in 6 minutes without taking the time to proofread or nothing?) and a general 'feel'/'vibe'. I gave a meme response that went unresponded, then I didn't even insult anyone specifically, I drew attention to negative behaviors. The response then is to claim my post is against the rules of the forum, as if the rules were already fed into the prompting.

    If I intentionally don't attempt skillchecks while using Technician, I can do that, but it would be an idiotic move, the move being the problem, not me as a person. That is the same level of foolishness I was likening by saying 'rat cowards'. Most people would probably be able to parse the human interaction there, and understand the intention behind the raw words used, but that doesn't appear to be the case here.

  • ArthurVeloso
    ArthurVeloso Member Posts: 248

    You were calling people who used self-care “idiots” and “rats” for playing in a way you don’t like. Nothing in the community guidelines allows you to do that, but feel free to cope as much as you want. It just shows how much you need a break.

  • ArthurVeloso
    ArthurVeloso Member Posts: 248

    Exactly! There is literally no point for running different med kits for self healing no more. It is just a matter of how pretty they look at the screen now.

  • ArthurVeloso
    ArthurVeloso Member Posts: 248

    I understand your point, but you may refer to the Discussion Post text (the first one). Check that up, and you will see where I mention about other options, like totems for example.

  • ArthurVeloso
    ArthurVeloso Member Posts: 248

    The balance logic they took was “Let’s kill it to the ground so people will heal each other.” But they did not count with lack of coordination in solo queue games.

    My honest reaction:

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2024

    This change would address the potential abuse of self-care by maintaining the advantage of team healing but also making self-care a more practical choice for solo players. Ultimately, a slight buff in self-care and an enhancement to Circle of Healing would improve the game's balance and make the experience more enjoyable for players who find themselves frequently playing solo or facing unreliable teams.

    on contrary, every time they have buffed healing, it has tipped balance favored towards survivor. Instead of survivor being careful and valuing each hit, they become super aggressive because injures means nothing and even often offensive use health-states for body-blocking and bully purposes. it is also way too strong for SWF.

    average killer don't down healthy survivor quickly enough and these extra health-states definitely consume ton of chase time from the killer creating situations where survivor is both healthy and is doing gen's extremely fast. The nerf to sloppy butcher and STBFL really don't help either so it is hard no on buffing self-healing.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Giving you the benefit of the doubt, what 'guideline' was broken? I called no person an idiot, but an action/style. When there are clear mathematical inferior or superior options, the inferior option is foolish at best. Also there are no 'community guidelines' there are 'forum rules'. This raised me an extra 5-10% suspicious certainty to focus on inaccurate verbiage similar to other games, while not linking to the page like so.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    Ok… But if your entire issue and reasoning for posting is that the solo survivor struggles from a lack of teamwork in solo q and therefore self healing should be buffed, why not actually instead adapt the Asian strategy of running self care botany knowledge perk combo to literally make the game better for yourself? Is it not a "form of survival" that you need if you are often running into issues where finding a teammate willing/able to heal you is rough? I dont get it.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Yes! Who am I calling a rat coward? You ignored the context of the conversation (of multiple back and forths) to underline a single sentence. The closest you could claim is an archetype, not an individualized person (especially since the very next line says 'them' conveniently ignored). Did I say that you, me, someone else was a rat coward? No. I said 'rat cowards' as an archetype to discuss what the poster took issue with.

    I am sorry you appear to fundamentally lack the understanding of how conversations work, and context that is built upon from previous written or spoken volleys. To over explain how social interactions work in excessive detail, I had previously come to an understanding of what the other person was taking issue with, and adapted my language in a manner that would affirm their complaints while continuing the greater understanding of the topic. This lack of understanding and the seemingly random 'meme' usage (both the Mutahar one and this one) raised another 5-10% of my belief that you are a bot/fed AI prompt responses.

    I don't even disagree with the premise of Self-Healing being rebuffed, that's why my posts included buffs to Self-Healing (which you also replied to, yet somehow forgot, which is even more suspicious). I just don't like the idea of a meritorious idea being discarded because of the source.