Add A Toggle Gen Only Interaction option?

I know we have the toggle interaction ( thankfully ), but sometimes this can be a little annoying say when your trying to 99 a gate as one example and another being attempting to 99 a heal when running resilience.
What do people think about a separate option purely for toggle gen interaction being added as well?
It's a small thing I know and It's far from essential, but there are times when doing gates, unhooking etc, where I feel this would make such a huge difference.
EDIT: Also another example is when using Keys for aura reading.
What does that even mean?
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You can set interactions in the settings to toggle or hold, but most of the time toggle is nice when working on gens, some might say essential, but its not ideal for getting gates and heals to 99% as you have to keep quickly double clicking the M1 button once you get closer to the end of the interaction bar.