Lights Out Feedback

It seems like a lot of the feedback here is quite intense so I thought I would give a more digestible review.

The lighting and buffs do seem to help survivors a lot in this mode compared to last time. It feels a bit more playable without SWF'ing. The gen speed buffs in particular can help discourage camping.

However, if a survivor is ever without a light they cannot really regain it in chase and it seems that their chases will be quite short. Even with a light the visibility doesn't allow for enough map awareness to make much. The extra visibility also means killers can keep track of survivors more easily in chase so it's sort of a net-neutral there.

I do appreciate the aesthetic of the mode and how it reminds me of when I started playing on the survivor side, but it does seem to exacerbate the information gap between solo and SWF, as well as keep shorter chases. Chasing being the most fun part of the game for me on both sides, this is something that limits the replayability of the mode for me.

Maybe it's just not the mode for me, but if stealth needs to be emphasized more here maybe it is better to give alternate objectives and allow players to all move around more to make use of that stealth and allow for more jumpscares? Maybe the lights flicker on briefly then back off occasionally which could create some fun moments too.

Either way I hope this feedback is useful and am glad you are trying out new game modes!