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PC: Freddy cannot place dream pallets on pallets broken with spirit fury

Platform: PC
Description: If Freddy is using a pallet addon, and a real pallet is destroyed via it being smashed over his head with spirit fury, Freddy cannot place a dream pallet there like he would have been able to if he kicked it.
Steps to reproduce: Play Freddy, bring a pallet addon and spirit fury, break a pallet via spirit fury, try placing a dream pallet there.
Video Evidence:
https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1fapvjy/there_is_a_freddy_bug_where_if_you_break_a_pallet/ this isn't my video footage but it showcases the bug.
How often does it occur: I assume always. I was playing Freddy yesterday, was using enduring and spirit fury + fake pallets, and mid-match, I suddenly remembered seeing that video and tried it for myself to see if the bug still exists and I can confirm it still happens. Broke pallet via spirit fury, couldn't place a dream pallet there. Darn!
Other: Is there any way to easily search bug reports? I tried using the search function here to see if the bug was already reported, but it seems to search the entire forum, not just this sub-forum.