Since Skull Merchant's Getting Axed..

Would anyone like to share their good memories about her?
I liked how her Milkshake brought all the boys to the yard.
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No matter how thoroughly I wrack my mind, I cant seem to find any…
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pulling out the radar to bait out dead hard is my favorite 😭 I’ve gotten a few dc’s out of it
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The only killer with such a sexy walk cycle has gone 6 feet under.
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I'll never forget the game where I and the other 3 survivors stood mere inches outside of her dedicated 3 gen zone and watched her run back and forth between those 3 gens with no intention to ever chase anyone. Just kick to apply cobercharge and reset drones. Marvellous killer design.
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I'll always fondly remember the match between Team Eternal and cm9i. Legendary moment in DBD history.
My own memories… there was one time I got paired with a 3-man who brought CoH/Dark Theory/Shadow Step/Exponential and we ended up pasting a slugging Skull Merchant with it, and that revenge felt amazing. But I'm gonna be honest, outside of her release, I don't think I've ever versed a Skull Merchant who wasn't playing the heel. Can't remember any friendly or silly ones. Best I can do is a few inoffensive ones who played like a perfectly ordinary killer during her tome challenge.
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Nothing gameplay related, but I do like her walk animation and she has some of my favorite cosmetics in the game. Default outfit is rather lame .
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getting humped and beat on hook, those were fond memories
having my games drag on beyond an average match a few times
I will miss it fr
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I really liked her… thing. Anywho.
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When she went from the frying pan straight into the fire
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You're too late. I already fired the arrow lmao.
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cm9i - the GOAT.
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Yeah, sure. Here they are:
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Not sure players will have many good moments to share. She was just as hated as Old Legion was.
I will say though, I hope they reconsider her nerfs. They are far too severe.
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Her milkshake has its own gravitational pull I think.