Adding additional items for survivors
I think survivors could be given more items to use.
Maybe matches or candles to light totems and create mini Boones that are less effective than Boone perks but are faster to "light" with a smaller Radius
These Boons would be auto-snuffed when a hex perk takes over them, or the killer manually snuffs it.
Maybe special add-ons like hacksaw or hammer and the survivor could rebuild, destroy or create "blocked doors" after a lengthy animation.
Or maybe ropes/nails to repair a pallet and make a flimsy one.
Oiled gears that cause the toolbox to give the generator a permanent 3% increase to repair speed or somethin like 50% reduction to missed skill check penalty.
Maybe the survivor could bring in a talisman that causes entity symbols to appear in trial, like an Easter egg hunt that allows progressive bonuses.
I just feel like there's so much potential and interesting concepts that are being left in the fog. This game could have so much more to it than repair, Heal, blind.