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Unknown Changes are a nerf in disguise

The basekit changes are not noticeable whatsoever, and the Blurry Photo is less effective than before.

Please stop making must-run addons partially basekit. It is really frustrating to see happen, especially when the addon functions worse than before the change. Just reduce the TP movement speed cooldown by 50% and rework the addon entirely.


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,074

    I wouldn't mind the change at all if the durations were 1:1, if it took 0.85 seconds with the add-on before the PTB than it should still take 0.85 seconds with the add-on on the PTB, just some of the add-on is base-kit.

    So what they could do is further decrease the cooldown from 1.3 seconds to just 1 second, and keep the add-on at 15% so it takes the same time before the PTB.

    Or if that's too strong base-kit, you could also do 1.2 seconds and the add-on 25%, so the add-on is a bit weaker but for a much stronger base-kit. (0.9 seconds with the add-on btw)

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063

    I can't speak to Unknown's changes in particular, but in general my understanding behind making addons partially basekit is to reduce the must-run nature of the addons. The idea seems to be to promote add-on variety. This is why Huntress got her buffs despite not really needing them, things like extra hatchets and windup were her must-run.

    Ideally the basekitted addons should be nerfed to where you'd get about the same effect as you did before when you used them, but they're not nearly as required as before.

    That didn't happen here (50% to 15% when the basekit buff is ~18% looking at the numbers). I wonder if the addon's buff was too much, even if a more straight conpensation nerf to the addon were applied (such would have been ~32%).