The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Perk changes feedback (8.3.0)

Poised - The added killer-aura effect is nice and definitely makes the perk better, but I feel like the original effect is still pretty underwhelming even with the extra few seconds added, especially since the perk is limited in how many times it can activate throughout the game. It would be better if it also hid pools of blood for the duration and maybe it could last a little longer still (20 seconds?).

Corrective Action - So, if you and a teammate use this perk together, you can essentially generate infinite tokens between the two of you because your missed skill checks are converted by your teammate's Corrective Action, which then gives a token back to your own Corrective Action and you can do this forever especially with Hyperfocus builds for example to do generators fast without actually doing anything (you can just miss skill checks on purpose indefinitely). This is probably something that needs to change.

Blood Rush - I like this rework, however I noticed it doesn't seem to work on self-unhooks, maybe it's just a bug but I wanted to mention it regardless, I feel like it should work on self-unhooks like most other unhook-related perks do.

Distortion - To start: yes, I agree this perk needed a nerf. I think the proposed change is pretty good, however I would suggest letting it start with 2 tokens and starting a chase replenishes 1 token (up to a max of 2 tokens held at a time). Having only 1 token is a little overkill.

Blood Echo - Removing the cooldown feels nice but the compensation nerf of reducing the duration was not needed at all. Blood Echo isn't that strong of a perk and the cooldown removal only matters if you actually get another hook within 60 seconds (the previous cooldown). Overall the perk feels sidegraded or slightly worse than before in some cases and I don't think it will see much more play than the current version. The duration should be returned back to 45 seconds.

Deathbound - Removing the range limit to activate the perk is a good change, however I'm not a huge fan of the permanent oblivious until hooked. I don't think having a permanent debuff that lasts until you get caught by the killer is really good design, and that specific deactivation condition also means the perk is very good for slugging builds/playstyles because you can slug a survivor without deactivating Deathbound. Personally I think it should still have a limited duration (it could even be buffed to 90 seconds instead of 60 if you want to make it longer) but if not that then at least have it deactivate when downed instead of when hooked so it doesn't further enable slug builds. But at the moment it feels like it invalidates most other oblivious perks by lasting indefinitely (maybe except Plaything).

Genetic Limits - I'm just throwing this one in here to mention that I love this rework, this is my favorite perk change out of all of them in this patch. Good stuff.

Thwack - Adding tokens certainly lets it be used more often, but reducing the range from 32m to 24m as well as removing the aura-reveal from the perk made it a lot weaker. The big problem with this perk is that when you break a pallet/wall, you're usually in chase. This means that it lets you see a survivor's location…when you likely already knew their location because you are currently chasing them. The old version of the perk revealed the survivor's aura for a few seconds which made it a usable chase tool on some ranged killers (namely Huntress and Artist) but now that's gone (it only shows a scream bubble now) so it feels like there is no point to this perk now and basically any other option is better. Since the range is reduced as well it's also less likely now that it will help you find someone else. So overall I think this perk is just not very good unfortunately.

Zanshin Tactics - This perk is ridiculously strong on the PTB. 10 seconds of aura reading is a very long time for how often it can activate especially with no cooldown. Imo the aura read should only last for 4 or 5 seconds and/or there should be a cooldown (like I'm All Ears). I like the general concept of the rework though.
