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Twins Finally Changes

I agree with the two changes given to wins to increase victor's cooldown by 0.5 second and increased kicking victor cooldown.

However I while back on the initial release of twins out of the PTB and into live, she had a 10 second time she could recall victor, which felt really really nice, but almost too nice.

A lot of twins players including myself suggested, well perhaps doubling it to 20 seconds would be the perfect in between on what it was.

However it was then overnerfed to 30 seconds to recall him from 10, and it just feels horrible.

If we are keeping these other nerfs on Victor, can we at least make it a flat 20 seconds? I think it's a fair middle ground in between 30 and 10, and would also match the new cooldown on Victor's crush time to be more linear.


Finally, Twins has two addons that apply when "The survivor themselves remove victor". Now these add on effect are not very strong and are time based, however they are made entirely useless by the fact that it doesn't apply at all if the twins player is forced to call victor back.

My small suggestion for this it to make those two add ons work "If Victor is recalled, or a survivor removes victor" they are applied.