The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

We've lost the wholesome/amusing object and survivor photobombing with the Mori. We DON'T want this.

We can no longer be moried at one side of Maurice or the Tanuki because objects disappear.

We can no longer have a Mori partially behind some stairs, a table or a wall to accidentally make it more cinematic because they disappear.

We can no longer photobomb Ghostface when he's taking a selfie with a survivor, or pet Demo while he's ripping a head off.

We have to use Devour Hope to TRY and have a chance at doing a Mori before the last survivor, and god knows how hard that is with the abysmal Hex placements in 90% of the maps.


Some of the unintended charm of the Moris were its unintended effects. You could have a bad match and then go out laughing because a Nea decided to nod at the killer above your body while being Moried. You could get an awesome Legion or Dredge Mori to post online because it just happened to be under a table and the cinematic feel of seeing the survivor try and crawl under it was incredible.

Now the objects disappear, so goodbye to that accidental cinematic feel.

Now the other three survivors are gonna always die before you WAY more constantly (except for Rancor or Devour), so goodbye to the wholesome photobombing.

We get that you want to make Moris more appealing and constant. This is NOT the way to do it. Not only are you getting rid of the things that actually make them more constant (the green and iridiscent Offerings), but you're getting rid of the whole interactivity behind them, now they're all gonna be the very same, just with a minor change in the background scenery.

PLEASE, stop trying to make the Finishing Mori happen. It's been universally hated since the first iteration, and it's still being hated on this second one.

Just make the Yellow offering basekit (with minor changes to avoid the slugging problem everyone's mentioning already) and LEAVE the other two offerings intact.

But moreso, PLEASE leave alone the photobombing. If Moris are gonna be more regularly seen anyway, then a bit of hilarious or wholesome variety surely can be kept to give them more flavor once in a while.

Not every object or survivor has to disappear in the vicinity of a Mori being done.


  • ghostfaceismywaifu
    ghostfaceismywaifu Member Posts: 16
    edited September 18

    It's honestly… depressing. I've been dreading them ever going through with the finisher mori concept ever since the first PTB it flopped on. No other change in the game has ever gotten such nearly-unanimous, adamant pushback from the player base like this, not even some of the most major overhauls within the last few years, and yet the devs have still been pushing this through. It makes me feel sad, like the community is not being listened to, and I simply cannot understand why.

    I have a huge collection of screenshots and video clips of extremely cool or hilarious moris (whether I was survivor or killer) that would simply not be possible anymore with the finisher mori changes. Not only that, but moris have always been kind of a novelty in that you DON'T encounter them every match… that's what makes them fun, and scary. A mori every match, on just the last survivor every time, is going to get stale reallyyyyyy fast. Goes from "wow, been a while since I saw a Hag mori, forgot how creepy it is" to okay yadda yadda whatever, tabbing over to discord until the results screen comes up

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 248

    Exactly. Where's the point of just making gameplay a little less fun?

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 678

    I will continue to boost every single post about the moris until the Devs get it through their heads that we do not want this change. Yellow Mori basekit and the points event in round thing are good, but gutting green and iri Moris is not wanted, needed, necessary, or valid. The amount of BP you make from the new offerings is piddling and terrible. Not even worth bringing.