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Poised problematic for already weak stealth killers

Stealth killers are already some of the weakest killers. One thing they have that can be vital in a match is the surprise ambush at the beginning of a match before the survivors know the killer's identity. They are usually less alert and more relaxed when they don't hear a terror radius. This can lead to a surprise gen grab or otherwise a successful ambush near a gen. With poised, survivors will immediately know if a stealth killer is in play - entirely gutting this vital element - not to mention it entirely eliminates the stealth killer's effort of trying to be sneaky right off the bat for a surprise ambush. With any SWF, just one person needs poised and everyone will instantly be aware it's a stealther and will be on higher alert - often just having someone stand watch and dismantling ANY stealth approach. This effectively makes them immune to all surprise ambushes prior to the killer's identity being known. Even with all this cast aside, the game specifically removes knowledge of who the killer is during load screens after VSing a killer 3 times. The new Poised entirely bypasses this intentional game design choice. You'll know who the killer is exactly at the beginning of a match unless it's a stealther, and if so, you already are on high alert for a stealther.

Can we please stop implementing features that continue to weaken already weak killers?


  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 675

    I think all perks that reveal any info on undetectable Killers should just… not give that info. Period. Aura should not be readable when anyone is undetectable, you should not be able to detect ANYONE who is undetectable. No aura no little cues nothing.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,821

    That's the point - if they don't see an aura, they are instantly aware it's a stealth killer. That means people will be far more alert than they would be otherwise. Usually people are paying less attention when they don't hear a TR at the beginning of the match. That is a strong point a stealth killer can take advantage of - and in some cases, that early down can make or break a match being a weaker killer.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 675

    I don't think Stealth Killers are even THAT weak, I think they're disadvantaged on some maps but not weak. They certainly are viable and certainly do just fine in pubs, which is what most people play.

    Not a fan though of any perk countering a Killer's whole power though, and Poised could be problematic in that sense, so it should certainly be looked at.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,719

    yes it might ruin their first chase, but i don't think it's the weakening of killers when the "strength" is survivor mistake in the first place, like a swf will instantly just call what the killer is and where they are at all times. with same logic we would be seeing hag op because of soloq but no she is not.

    also still noone will use that perk so i wouldn't worry that much.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,821
    edited 12:06AM

    True on SWF callouts, but what I mean here is, up until this poise update, you could even catch SWFs off guard (and by that, I mean the first person you ambush - after that, the gig's up). With poised, now SWFs will instantly warn their whole team a stealth player is in play.