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"Quick Gambit" and "We're Going To Live Forever" Cannot Go Live

YayC Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 101

I'll start with the worst designed one quick gambit, this was a perk that had risk/reward. You needed to be chased and you needed to chase near a generator, the risk being giving away the generator position and being limited to the tiles near that generator. This perk just needed a rework because there is no way to change values on this thing without it either being busted or borderline useless.

Now it's map wide there is no risk, infact not only is there no risk you are literally punishing the killer for simply playing the game which has to be one of the worst decisions ever made. Losing a health state disabling it for 30 seconds is not a good deactivation effect for numerous reasons but mainly, it's a perk that's going to MASSIVELY affect weak chase killers and not affect the A tier killers in anyway. A Nurse and decent Blight are able to get the first hit very quickly, a weak killer cannot.

So not only do you punish the killer for playing the game, you punish the already weaker killers. You literally just buffed 4 survivor perks that activate for them doing the objective (blast mine, wiretap, flash bang and chem trap) so why are you now punishing the killer for doing theirs? It's a terrible change and should not be making it to live since it's going to create a meta where if you can't get a hit extremely quick you just drop chase or trying to chase someone while not actually being in chase.

Next is We're Going To Live Forever which I'll refer to WGLF for ease. You just nerfed buckle up because it had little to no counterplay just to reintroduce it into a different perk, why? WGLF and "Made For This" combined recreate the exact same uncounter-able situation buckle up did. If you go down on a pallet or in the open, you cannot pick up as a killer because you will get flashlight saved or pallet saved. So now you need to pressure the person doing this but because WGLF ALSO increases the speed you revive someone 10 fold it takes no effort to run around a loop a 1-2 times, get hit by which time the downed played has recovered 20%-50% which is all you need to revive them with the WGLF revive speed and now yet again, double endurance on the survivors. But now it's even worse because if you hit them they deep wound and are now further buffed by MFT with a 3% haste.

This scenario is going to become absolutely insufferable vs any half coordinated SWF because I was getting value out of it consistently as a solo player and I'll repeat it, this situation HAS NO COUNTERPLAY except just play Nurse 24/7 since she can down so quickly you can just chain knock people.

There are other problematic things in the PTB but these two are massive, glaring issues that I see hardly any conversation on.


  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 876

    WGLF doesn't give the healer endurance, only the person getting healed. How is it the same as old Buckle Up?

  • Orvarihusklumpen
    Orvarihusklumpen Member Posts: 16
    edited September 20

    MFT does meaning it leads to scenarios where the killer can't hit both survivors for 10 seconds

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 97

    First of all the quick Gambit cooldown disables for 60 seconds after hit. Its really not that strong if you begin the chase with a hit its never going to get value in the first place.

    WGLF is by no means op either. The old activation requirement you had to have a safe unhook and the charge would disappear even when they didnt use the endurance. it was crap. The 50% extra only reduces the pickup time by 2 seconds. If survivors are getting it off you have left them down for too long. From experience using it the ptb its not a free pickup ive still either barely gotten it or barely not gotten it off

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,036

    Brother, why are you complaining about WGLF just now?

    You can already do that right now, combine with made for this and get the required action to activate de endurance and ta da, the same situation that you said will happen, this is not new.

    And btw, are you really afraid of 5%? This legits saves about 4 seconds on a gen if the quick gambit user is being chased (without getting hit) for 90 seconds, do not say this is the most broken perk in the game when we have better gen rush perks in the game, this perk is ok.