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A Better Way to Nerf Twins...

Hello P100 Twins main here.

I agreed that twins deserve a nerf, but not this way. Im ok with victor cooldown nerf, though it will promote more slugging since slower switch.

But… 20s cooldown? Being punished by using power correctly on injured survivors, downing them and being kicked by teammates makes u totally M1 killer for 20s is ridiculous.

Twins' main problem are no counterplay for victor and slugging(Especially in Asian servers). IMO the best way to address that is increaseing victor's skill floor to make him not so brain-dead, rather than punish correct gameplay.

My advice(some simple number change):

—Incerease CANCEL POUNCE cooldown to 1s (from 0.25s) just like Chucky.

—Add a slowdown during this time.

This change will make twins player to charge and hold Pounce at right time, giving survivors more distance and mind-game chances.

—Revert being crushed cooldown to 15s, maybe keep succeed hit cooldown 3.2s.

3.2s is enough for near survivors to kick vic after downing others, and apply a 15s cooldown for healing.