The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

My Issues with the PTB

  • Finisher Mori: Why remove the effect of the Ebony Mori? This system could've been implemented without removing this feature as it was not made obsolete.
  • Zanshin Tactics: Good rework, but is too active; needs a 30 second cooldown.
  • Corrective Action: Hyperfocus combo obviously
  • Quick Gambit: Not bad on its own, but in combination with other gen speed options feels out of touch (esp with the recent nerfs towards killer gen defense). Keep this, but address repair toolboxes, and other gen speed options (like Hyperfocus not working while repairing with a toolbox) in a future patch please.
  • The Unknown: Unnecessary to begin with, but there are quite a few issues with it.
    • The second icon on the new HUD is useless and doesn't need to be there.
    • Not enough of Blurry Photo was shifted on to the base kit.
    • Vanishing Box does not need that heavy of a nerf. I definitely understand the penalty as it reduces the Hallucination spawn time on its own, but 80% is way too harsh.
    • Finally, it doesn't really address some of the concerns people had.
      • Lingering UVX hitbox being too long (Solution: remove or greatly reduce it)
      • Long cooldown encouraging zoning (Solution: reduce to 6 seconds from 7)
      • Direct hits with the airborne projectile being unrewarding (Solution: direct hits increase the subsequent UVX blast radius by 0.5 meters)

Less Serious Concerns:

  • Blood Rush: I actually really like this rework, but this in combination with OTR and DS really promotes using anti-tunnel perks offensively. Address that and this perk is totally fine.
  • Skull Merchant: I understand why this change is happening, but leaving her extremely weak for that long is wild. Pixel Bush created a rough Neuroshock idea that is worth looking at for the rework (A limited but more potent doctor shock on clawtrapped survivors)