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Flash Bang after locker doesn't apply Blinded

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: If you blind the killer with a flashbang when they grab a Survivor out of a locker, the blinding sound will get played, however the killer wont be blind and the Survivor does not get killer grasp rescued.
This only happens when grabbing out of lockers and only in the first couple of frames, if you do it any later than in the video shown the blind will go through normally, however the killer will be able to cirvumvent this by looking up, which means this bug consistently prevents locker rescues with this perk.
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Wait they actually fixed this? I was definitely blinded immediately after a locker grab before and was forced to drop the survivor just a couple weeks ago.
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Yes this definitely still worked prior to last weeks Bugfix Patch, ive seen it happen multiple times in mine and some streamers games. The developers must have fixed it without writing it in the Patchnotes or this is indeed a Bug and my information was misunderstood.