The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Feedback on the PTB Changes

Just a (hopefully) quick post about my opinions on the 8.3.0 PTB. All changes seem mostly fine to me with some exceptions:

Finisher Mori: Mostly good idea, however I found myself too often waiting for a hooked survivor to die before I could use the mori. SUGGESTION: When near a downed survivor while all other survivors are dead OR hooked, the mori prompt is useable, and upon beginning the mori, all hooked survivors are sacrificed, while their viewpoint moves to see the mori so they can see it too.

Killer Perk - Leverage: Seems a bit to much like an anti-tunnel perk for my liking, though there are ways to work around it I guess. Keep an eye on this one.

Killer Perk - Predator: Perk changes are fine, but should not trigger on a downed survivor. It just wastes the perk usage.

Killer Perk - THWACK: Token system is a welcome change to get more uses, and also allow it to be used before hooking someone, when info is most needed, but removing the aura read and shrinking the range makes the perk almost useless. Screams only, within 24 meters means that alot of the time, survivors close enough to be affected will be too close for their screams to be seen. SUGGESTION: Keep the perk effects the way they are, but add the token system to allow more flexible use. Also allow it to trigger on all pallet breaks, since there seems to be a bug in the PTB where THWACK doesn't always trigger.

Killer Perk - Zanshin Tactics: WAY too overpowered, especially on the stronger killers. Also removing the old effect doesn't strike me as a great idea as it's helpful for new players. Having the old Zanshin Tactic effect in game is a good thing, even if it's less useful than Windows of Opportunity and should be a generic perk. SUGGESTION: Keep Zanshin Tactics the way it currently is, showing the auras of all pallets and windows in range, but it also shows the auras of survivors within 16m, ONLY while they are fast vaulting, and ONLY while they are mid vault animation. This would show what direction they are vaulting in, but likely not much more than that, making it useful, but fair, and not stepping on the toes of other perks like I'm All Ears. Also the 'while' clause means it does not have a duration, and cannot be buffed by Lethal Pursuer.

Survivor Perk - Corrective Action: You're probably already aware of this, but because Corrective Action both causes great skill checks AND charges off great skill checks, two survivors who both have this perk and are both on the same gen can effectively just ignore skill checks entirely. Not only this, but it synergises with Hyperfocus, allowing very fast gen completion, with no need to hit skill checks. SUGGESTION: Corrective Action instead gains a token on Good Skill Checks, but not Great Skill Checks.