How to deal with teammates who swarm killer and hook all game

I was playing solo q against a ghostface. I'm pretty sure that the other three players were part of a swf, because they literally never left one anothers side the entire game. Literally within minutes of the game starting, ghostface had downed one of them, and at this point the other two players followed him the entire way to the hook and tried to unhook right in his face. And naturally he'd be hitting and downing them all during this time. I don't even blame him, because he was just going from hook stage to hook stage at this point. They wouldn't leave his ass alone. So he had everybody on death hook before three gens. (I was obviously the only person on gens.)
The game ended the way you'd imagine it would. Afterwards one of the survivors sent me an angry message that I needed to get off gens and help teammates. The irony is I literally run an altruistic Claudette build, but I didn't see the point in trading hooks for players who are essentially throwing the game playing altruism Olympics. I've had some games like this before and the most I know how to do is just to try and get some gens done before I die.
overly altruistic =\= SWF. Some people are just super into saving teammates or may have a challenge even if it’s throwing the match. Anyway the only thing you can really do is play for hatch in a scenario like you’ve described. Survivors can play as altruistically as they want.
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I didn't say they were a swf because they were saving, I believe they were a swf because they literally never left each other's side the entire game, did everything as a group the entire game, and seemed tormented at the thought of their teammate being on the hook longer than a second. I play in solo q all the time, this was very swfy
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I see. Either way all you can do is play for hatch in a scenario where your teammates are playing so poorly.
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People arnt going to get a notification that you replied to them unless you either hit the quote button like I did above, or tag them by name like THIS. @angel_pellegrino
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There's really not much you can do. You can't teach people how to play in-game. You just have to hope your team knows what they're doing. It happens all the time when a killer tunnels. Teammates will run after the killer instead of doing gens. The killer isn't going to suddenly stop tunneling, so it's incredible value for the killer once they finally down the player and nobody else has touched a gen. I really don't understand why players do this. When has it ever worked for them?
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Either just shrug and go next, find the right ancient forgotten deity to make a suitable sacrifice to for a blessing of good matchmaking, or sign a pact that soul-binds you to never play outside of a 4man again. That's basically your options.
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Yeah nah, I'm with you on this one. At least one person needs to be on a gen at all times or the game is a loss. They needed to play smarter. It's not even being altruistic at that point imo (I've had these games too), it's just making bad choices.
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I let them all die and play for hatch. I used to love running plunderers because of all the pink keys it gave and let me fly under the killers radar
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myself, i just ignore them. wait for the killer to find me while i'm doing gens and then surrender. if the killer isn't camping/tunneling, i'll unhook them but typically won't heal them if the killer is likely to return. i got tough love.
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This is not altruism, this is straight up griefing.
OP - Ignore such team mates. The moment you see them doing this I suggest you go for a hatch if possible. Regardless of the outcome, I'd recommend doing reports for intentional griefing and move on to the next game.
It's pretty much the same as having a team mate who intentionally progresses to stage two instead of staying hooked and waiting to be rescued. Such team mate is also griefing and should be reported. Best thing to do is not risk for them and think about own escape.
Sadly at moment the game allows such behavior, which is also quite common in Solo Q which makes experience with randoms very inconsistent and often the negative one. Being in full SWF is the only solution to this as that can guarantee your team mates will try to play the game and won't grief or sandbag each other.
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You're at your teammates mercy, or rather idiocy, because this is a team game, meaning you can't 1v1 the killer. People need to realize that you don't win as survivor by unhooking and healing all match. If the killer's gonna pressure gens, at least let him push you off of gens and give him a chase. Stop just running up to hook instantly and unhooking before the timer is halfway gone. That's just an incentive to the killer to keep coming back to hook. Strategize. You can even wait til the last second and hook trade as survivor, every hook, and still get a time positive on the killer, assuming you're also doing gens. They cry about killers being "Soooo strong!" but they literally play into their hands, and they don't even see it!
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Yea … don't blame you at all. Let em all die (while doing gens) & try for hatch. At least you give yourself a chance instead of guaranteeing the killer a 4K by running at him like those players.
I never feel bad letting those types of players die. I just accept it and 'go next' mentality. They have no problem ruining a match. Not on me at that point to save. You did the right thing.
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Probably they just wanted to finish their challenges fast, but this is no excuse.
Sometimes they are just throwing the game.
Do gens till there is only one survivor. Then hide and if they are teaming, report them and send a clip.