

Killer Concept - The Dread Ducky (Dark Deception Chapter)

Member Posts: 2,117
edited January 17 in Creations


I decided to create a concept of a power based on one of the enemies from Dark Deception - The Dread Duckies. All feedback is welcome. Enjoy.

Movement speed: 110% or 4,4 m/s
Terror radius: 24 meters
Height: Medium
Weapon: Extendable Inner Jaw

Killer Power: Deadly Deception

"Born from the souls of liars, the Dread Duckies now serve as protectors of one of the Ring Pieces, using their deceitful personality to toy with their victims"

Special Locomotion: Body Switch

Along with you, 7 Inactive Dread Duckies spawn in the Trial. Using the Control button, you can initiate the Body Switch.
Initiating Body Switch will cause the Ducky you are currently controlling to stop and sit down, making you Undetectable. You can now choose which Ducky you will inhabit next. You can change the Ducky with the Q and E keys, finally selecting with the Control button.
While choosing a Ducky, you can't see Survivors, Auras or Scratch Marks. You can still see pools of blood and hear normally.
Selecting a Ducky will cause you to inhabit it,  making the ability to go on a 30 second cooldown. When inhabiting a new Ducky, you will appear inactive and Undetectable until moving. Moving will cause the Ducky to spring to life and ends the Undetectable. Moving your camera will not cause this.

Special Attack: Inner Jaw

The Dread Ducky has access to the Inner Jaw attack. This is a mid-ranged attack which stuns the survivors on impact, causing them to stop moving.
To recover, the stunned survivor must repeatedly press the F button.
The attack takes a bit of time to wind up and your speed decreases slightly while aiming.
The hit and miss cooldowns are identical to the ones of a basic attack.

Special Event: Frenzy

60 Soul Shards and a Ring Altar spawn at the start of a Trial. Survivors can collect them by touching them or repairing a generator in a 24 meter radius of them. Hooking a survivor takes 25% of all their shards and puts them back to their positions.
If the survivors collect all Soul Shards, they become able to interact with the Ring Altar, taking the Ring Piece. This will prevent the Frenzy from happening.
Once all Generators are powered, the Dread Ducky will unlock Frenzy:
• The movement speed of the Dread Ducky is increased to 115%
• The Doom Ducky becomes accessible.
• The cooldown of Body Switch is halved.

Special Enemy: Doom Ducky

Using Body Switch while Frenzy is active lets you become the Doom Ducky. You can select one of two spots for it, with both of them being near Exit Gates.
You can preform Body Switch while using the Doom Ducky, changing spots or becoming the Dread Ducky again.
While playing as the Doom Ducky, you can use two attacks:
Extendable Head (M1): A ranged attack that upon being charged lets you extend your head forward quickly, instantly downing survivors upon hitting them.
Dull Duckies (M2): A stun attack which will let you throw a lifeless Dread Ducky, which will stun survivors on impact. To recover, they will have to mash the F button repeatedly.

The Dread Ducky's Unique Perks:

Last Resort:

The possiblity of your prey escaping your grasp drives you into a state of frenzy.

This perk activates once the Endgame Collapse is triggered. Once you are in a 12 meter radius of the Exit Gate area, you can activate this perk's effects for 5/7/10 seconds:
• Your speed increases by 10%.
• The Exit Gate becomes blocked.
• Your Lunge increases by 50%.
• The auras of survivors in the range are shown to you.

"You gathered all of the Soul Shards. The ring Piece is now exposed, and the monsters will go into a frenzy."  -Bierce

Sealed Away:

Even in the realm of the Entity, the souls of your victims help you to trap them in.

Whenever you injure, down or hook a survivor, get a token, up to 20.

Once you gain more than 10/7/5 tokens, you can use all of them to Seal Away a generator.

Doing so will randomly spawn a Soul Shard into the trial for each token you have and make the generator blocked until all Soul Shards are collected.

Survivors can see Soul Shards' auras from 12 meters away.

You can't collect tokens while a generator is Sealed Away.

"Ah-ah-ah! I've got you now, mortal." - Malak

Hex: Voices of Illusion

A hex that feeds on the fear and anxiety of survivors, overwhelming them with sounds and tricking their minds.

2 random Dull Totems become Hex Totems at the start of the trial.

While this perk is active, the survivors always hear a fake distant Terror Radius while in a 20/30/40 meter range of a Totem.

Once a survivor cleanses one of the Totems:
• They will always hear your own distant Terror Radius.
• They are considered to be in your Terror Radius, even when they normally wouldn't be.
Both effects deativate when the second Totem is cleansed

"They're trying to blend in, eh? Let's see how well you pay attention to details." - Bierce

Post edited by SoGo on

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  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Add-ons for Deadly Deception:

    Iridescent Ring Piece (Iridescent):
    • Adds 20 more Soul Shards into the Trial.
    • Increases the amount of Shards that survivors lose when hooked to 35%

    Mysterious Relic (Iridescent):
    • While using the Doom Ducky, you can also preform a surprise attack in the Exit Gate Area. If it manages to hit a survivor, they are immediatelly downed and the Exit Gate is blocked for 15 seconds.
    • A Dread Ducky spawns in each Exit Gate area when all generators are powered.

    "E" Note (Very Rare):
    • When activating an idle Ducky, all vaults and pallets in a 12 meter radius of it become blocked for 10 seconds.

    Bierce's Tablet (Very Rare):
    • Upon collecting the Ring Piece, all survivors scream and reveal their locations.
    • You become able to kill the survivor who retrieved the Ring Piece by your own hand after hooking them at least once.

    Soul Shard (Very Rare):
    • Adds 15 more Soul Shards into the Trial.
    • When all generators are powered and the Ring Altar still untouched, 20% of all collected Shards return back to their spawning places.

    Police Report (Very Rare):
    • Increases the effectiveness of stuns caused by the Dread Ducky by 30%.

    Traffic Sign (Rare):
    • Decreases the charge time of all special attacks by 20%.

    Sewer Water (Rare):
    • When activating a idle Ducky, all survivors in a 32 meter radius preforming a healing or repairing action get a difficult skill check.

    Bloody Remains (Rare):
    • Survivors hit shortly after getting stunned become Broken for 30 seconds.

    Dysfuntional Spring (Rare):
    • Decreases the Body Switch cooldown by 10%.
    • Increases the duration of lunges by 25% for 7 seconds after preforming a Body Switch.

    Pressure Valve (Rare):
    • Adds 10 Soul Shards into the Trial.
    • Downing a survivor takes 5 Soul Shards from them.

    Police Tape Scrap (Uncommon):
    • Increases the effectiveness of stuns caused by the Dread Ducky by 15%.

    Replacement Beak (Uncommon):
    • Decreases the Body Switch cooldown by 30%.

    Circus Ticket (Uncommon):
    • Adds 2 Dread Duckies into the Trial.

    Child's Drawing (Uncommon):
    • Causes the Undetectable status effect to linger for 5 seconds.

    Torn Tie (Uncommon):
    • Survivors hit shortly after getting stunned become affected by Mangled and Hemorrhage for 60 seconds.

    Hotel Flyer (Common):
    • Adds 1 Dread Ducky into the Trial.

    Traffic Cone (Common):
    • Decreases the Body Switch cooldown by 20%.

    Medicine Bottle (Common):
    • Decreases the charge time of all special attacks by 10%.

    Broken Plank (Common):
    • Increases the speed at which Duckies activate by 50%

  • Member Posts: 47

    I'm a huge fan of dark deception, this would be awesome to have

  • Member Posts: 2,117
  • Member Posts: 31

    could you take a look at my idea?

    would love some feedback

  • Member Posts: 14

    Love the detail! Awesome :)

  • Member Posts: 324

    thats EPIC. we need the DUCK!

  • Member Posts: 5

    I have my own dread ducky idea :)

    The Dread Ducky

    Walk speed: slow

    Terror radius: average

    Realm: Stranger Sewers

    Power: fowl fraudulence

    Special ability: conceal
    Appear as one of the many hollow duckies around the map, also turning off your terror radius. You can be revealed by flashlights or (obviously) aura reading.

    Special attack: inner peck
    While concealed, press the attack button to perform a medium range inner jaw attack that slows survivors but doesn't damage them

    Special ability: Doom Ducky
    After hooking survivors 6 times, press the ability two button to turn into the doom ducky, being able to go through pallets, being heavily resistant to pallet stun, being significantly faster than the dread duckies, but also a lot bigger and louder. you are able to break through walls if there is something behind them while lunging

  • Member Posts: 2,117


    Added The Dread Ducky's personal perks.

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