Killers power restrictions on hooked survivors doesn't make sense at all.

I can understand the real intention of this mechanic in the game to avoid the camping/tunneling situation but the philosophy of how it works for certain killers doesn't make any sense.
If you think about it, many teleport killers have a penalty to their powers when they are near a hooked survivor or when they return immediately after an unhook like Dredge, Unknown, Xeno, singularity etc. These killers suffer a slight penalty even though some of them cannot use their power to injured immediately a survivor (of course some are exceptions).
The question is: Why some killers that have some kind of special power that allows them to injured several survivors at once with one attack or can take down a survivor with their powers immediately, this rule doesn't apply to them? I'm talking about killers like: huntress, Pyramid head, Dracula, Bubba, Billy, trickster etc. These killers are known precisely for making rescue situations impossible or for being very good at tunneling.
I am aware that this mechanic cannot be applied in a general context to all killers as some of them could become boring to play with this change, such as killers who use traps, stealth or has a limited time of power like: Trapper, Hag, Wraith, Ghost face, Plague, Oni etc. This rule should not be applied to these killers because there are specific conditions for their powers to work and some cannot even use them to injured.
I feel that this mechanic is not fair because the killers who should be punished are not, the killers who should not necessarily be punished are punished and this mechanic does not work for killers who already have their powers limited in specific situations which depend on the survivor's actions in the trial.
I see some people arguing that survivors could abuse this mechanic, something I can't agree with because it already exists for some killers and they are all playable even with the punishments.
Explain me what these penalties are? I do not see Dredge, Unknown, or Singularity unable to tunnel or camp survivors. I don’t see them punished more than any other killers for doing so either.
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I'm not saying they can't necessarily use their powers to tunnel because all killers can do that even if they refused to use their powers the entire match. I'm just making a comparison with other killers.
Dredge lockers become blocked around the hooked survivor.
Unknown and Xeno has a slowdown in teleportation after returning immediately to the unhook area.
Singularity takes too long to mark a survivor in the area of the hook.
It's like you said, these mechanics don't have much effect on these killers but they exist and if they have no purpose then why were they implemented?
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I would argue that for Billy and Bubba the AFC is enough to prevent the worst unhook scenarios. It's enough to get an exchange at the very least. Didn't they try to stop Bubba's chainsaw after hitting a survivor with base kit BT? I haven't tunneled with him in a while, so I don't remember if that is still a thing.
You can't do much more than that though because then it would become the meta play style to rush the hook and have the unhooked survivor take the hit. This would remove the risk for such reckless plays. For Billy I'm honestly not sure what to do. Maybe have his chainsaw go on a 10 seconds cooldown whenever he downs someone near a survivor with base kit BT? But then he would just follow the unhooked survivor normally, so that wouldn't help much either. It would also bear the same problem as with Bubba where it would promote reckless plays.
They do have some base kit restrictions to make it a bit harder. Dredge can't teleport to lockers that are too close to a hooked survivor and Singularity still has the penalty on his biopods when trying to slipstream or teleport to a survivor near a hook. It doesn't make camping or tunneling impossible but it is a bit of a hindrance.
Freddy also has such a mechanic, funnily enough. A hooked survivor automatically wakes up, so they are protected from your power and they also have a short immunity to sleep after getting unhooked.
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It's like you said, these mechanics don't have much effect on these killers but they exist and if they have no purpose then why were they implemented?
Because for some reason, they thought that implementing specific killer power drawback was way to balance out camp and proxy camping balance.
they finally made a universal camping system. The AFC but currently it is very weak and only applies to killer that stay directly near the hook. they also implemented a global base-kit anti-tunnel system in the form of borrow time but it only works for 10 seconds which isn't good enough killer to stop tunneling.
all those killer systems can pretty much are just legacy systems at this point. they can pretty much be erased. The Light on modifier showcases what proper buffed version of AC and BT would look like. During the event, i didn't notice any camping and tunneling. there were some lighthearted attempts to tunnel but the killer quickly changed targets.