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Dracula's Hellfire doesn't go through some objects
Summary of the issue: Collision issues with the killer's power
Platform: Steam (PC)
Step by step: With a shack pallette, bug happening on all maps, besides one or two, that i can't remember (probably Mac and Swamp?)
1. You need to load in on Hawkins or Yamaoka
2. Press M2 next to a window or dropped pallette in shack
Hawkins https://youtu.be/C5AszR298xc
Shack at Greenville https://youtu.be/5DU4OeenO5A
Yamaoka's shack https://youtu.be/d1Aj9jv-AR0
Window https://youtu.be/B-p-9zaBNS4
Window 2 https://youtu.be/CD2Fn64edbw
I need to mention that if you are inside shack you can fire through it pretty easily. It only affects the outdoor.
P.S. I'm pretty sure there are not the only affected windows and palletes and there is a couple of others but i hadn't time to test this.
P.S2. I'm sorry for very low quality of the material. Game doesn't work fine since EU5 update and i needed to low my render to deal with it :(
As i thought. Some obstacles eat your ability too