What advice would you give a trapper?

this is from survivor and killer POV.
Survivors where do you tend to loop or run to when you see a killer? What place would catch you off guard or you shouldn’t check.
killers what places would you see survivors loop or what do you use as trapper
Place a trap in the basement on a path to the treasure chest. Nobody expects it and there's always one super curious Soloq survivor who cannot resist finding out what's in that chest 😉
Just don't place it smack dab in front of it. Like I said, along the path to the chest, so that even if they see it, it may be too late. You can snowball easily from there.
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I always get caught out by traps that are placed in important loops, but aren't placed right at the vault point.
If you do the obvious spots, like shack window or TL window or right in front of a pallet, you'll catch some survivors but others will disarm every time. But if you put the same trap in some grass at one of the shack walls, or in a bit of fluff between two trees that survivors will path through, you're way likelier to catch.
Indoor maps are brutal with lack of grass, but compensate you with tiny doorways. I try to place the traps a little bit inside the room so a survivor going the right direction won't see until they turn.
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Don't always put a trap in an obvious place. Hide them in grass. Also, you'll be surprised how many Survivors use the same pathing. Watch this and adapt setting traps to fit in with their movement style. Be unpredictable; It works a real treat.
As for Survivor, watch your feet, and when you come across a tile, take time to check for traps, in case you're pushed into a chase - you'll know that tile is a safe bet to take. Trapper isn't the strongest when it comes to unprepared loops.
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honestly the traps that get me are the ones I don't expect; ones that are just out in the open hidden in a random patch of grass. Of course, trapping a pallet or vault and zoning me into it is also a free down (those traps that are around loops but not directly at the pallet are also brutal because you're hugging that tight due to muscle memory and then bam!)