Chaos Shuffle proves to me something valuable

ShiroSaburo Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5

Survivors with no windows of opportunity and exhaustion perks are having a very hard time looping. These perks are officially a crutch proven by Chaos Shuffle.

I think it's high time to nerf these perks especially Windows of Opportunity? It's helping the survivors too much.


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    The good thing about Chaos Shuffle is it makes people re-evaluate what they actually know about the game. It's possible to become too reliant on perks and not enough on the base game. It's why I always randomize my builds, because it has made me a better player, having to not always be relying on good perks.

    I'm not sure they need nerfing. The perks aren't the issue, but certain players who are too dependant on those perks ought really to learn the game beyond that safety net. It could be said some Killer perks are also crutches, but I wouldn't necessarily advocate those to be nerfed just because neither.

    I just want people to experiment more. If I can win trials on both sides against strong opponents with random builds, then so can others. Just today, I got a 3K against a 4-man SWF on The Game, with the perks Shadowborn, Play With Your Food, and Enduring, as Hag. I am certain they were cheats too, because my stuns were slower than vanilla despite Enduring, and They had one Boon for Dark Theory, yet nobody has Scratch Marks in the radius. And they did play hard, with The Game as an Offering.

    People can win without the main big perks. I just think they've been programmed by public opinion to think at pubs level they cannot win any other way. Unless you're in the top professional competitors, you can randomize and still win.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 666

    Window of opportunity is never ever getting nerfed I wish people would stop asking for it. It's way too important for newer players trying to get to know the game maps considering theres a huge amount of maps these days with multiple configurations.

    Its definitely a crutch perk though I mean if you run some blindness builds you'll see people go from being okay at looping to absolute garbage running into walls and stuff because for some reason not only does their map knowledge go away but also there environmental awareness. I can understand the first part but don't really get the second.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 366

    good take and methodology for this conclusion op

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,284

    That is… a fascinating take. - Please do elaborate how exactly you determined the cause and effect relationship? Pray tell, how does Chaos Shuffle prove what you claim?

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 202

    It's the opposite of what you say. It shows how killers are so powerful now that survivors need perks to compete.

    Just because a perk can be a crutch perk in some cases doesn't mean it always is. If a player always runs into walls without it they're not going to play that good with it either.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,901

    I mean yeah no mystery that exhaustion does way too much for little to no downside.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 666

    Yeah obviously it's not going to be for every person that uses the perk, but it definitely is for a lot of people.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 423

    I wouldn't say exhaustion perks are a crutch but WoO is an interesting case. I kinda put it in the same camp as the visual heartbeat, they're meant to be there to help out newer/disadvantaged players but are generally ran for their ability to streamline the game. It definitely is fascinating watching how blindness can affect survivors sometimes as they can become really lost without it.

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 312

    Windows of Opportunity is fine as it is. If you can't deal with it then it's a skill issue on your end.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    this is definitely an issue with some players you really should learn how to play without exhaustion perks

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 894

    I was taught that Hex spawns are incredibly bad

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    I just need to point out the probable typo: "useafe" (usage?)

  • MissiCiv
    MissiCiv Member Posts: 59

    Tbh BHVR should nerf the top 10 perks on both sides to the ground, the games in chaos are so fun!! maybe just dont touch otr and ds for the tunneling problem

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    Well honestly from my experience, it's hard to disagree with you. I certainly see Survivors mess up WAY MORE than normal in Chaos Shuffle.

    At the same time I'm winning far more games than normal, because I'm used to not bringing any regression perks…

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 202

    Well considering how high kill rates are already, if you nerf all the best survivor perks it will be too high even for Bhvr. and they will have to either buff survivor or nerf killer to compensate. Either way killer mains will complain because the game isnt tilted ENOUGH in their favor.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    That's a reach. Anyone who's used to running a perk for information, and then not having it, would make anyone feel naked or in need of adjustment. I really don't think any of those perks are crutch. I just don't like Smash Hit having such a short cooldown, because it's used almost exclusively by players with good connections/teleport backwards exploits for easy sprint bursts.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 202

    I don"t see how this will help anything or how it has anything with chaos shuffle mode. It will just make a new meta form with what are now the best perks.

  • MissiCiv
    MissiCiv Member Posts: 59

    sure it will create a new meta but atleast we will have a fresh gameplay than this what we have for years

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 116

    ts common sense that this is easier to do with those perks equipped. Still why should it be crutches? Crutches are thing you can use to cover up for bad plays. Having trouble looping isnt bad play, its how this game works in its basic state. Also starting again a topic about windows after we had this for thousands of times and everytime it was explained so that people like you who dont understand its reral value shpuld be silenced.

    The only thing chaos shuffle has proofed for the second time now, is that killers that only rely on slowdown are just covering up there lack of skill on using killer powers properly.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,901

    It's not about tilting in favor. It's about seeing the major flaw of allowing 4 exhaustion perks in a game based around the base movement speed. The simple fact of allowing a free speed boost causes so many balance issues for the game to where more killers would be added specifically to counteract the mechanic by either making them a dash killer to end chases quicker.