Something in the water tonight

I've had four matches tonight where the killer slugged and bled out my entire team (no hooking attempts at all) and "humped" at least some of us while we were down.

That's is more times than I had been part of such matches in my previous 4500+ hours combined.

Two were high prestige Skull Merchants, so maybe they are just angsty about her impending death.


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,581

    I haven't had a match like that since that one Clown in old Wrecker's Yard, a really long time ago.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 366

    welcome to peak dbd at the moment

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    Many killers feel that hooking has become basically a way for the survivors to pressure the killer, with how many systems have been implemented to make hooking saver: picking up itself is extremely risky, with how strong Background Player Flashbangs are, and there isn't always a wall to look at while picking up, so strange and unexpected flashlight saves can rop the killer of any pressure when picking up.

    The increased hook timer and anti-face-camp mechanics reward survivors to sit on gens and STILL get ample time to go for the rescue, its no longer a choice, most of the time they can have their cake and eat it, too.

    I tried slugging builds for an evening a couple of weeks back, and if felt so much more effective then picking survivors up, slowly walk to a hook and then back into the match. Leaving them slugged for 4min only take a little bit longer then having them on hook and sacrificed, but you get at least a minute longer of your own playtime thats not spend traversing to hooks and trying not to get blinded on the way.

    I stopped doing it, but from an efficiency standpoint I can see the appeal: hooking became way too save that it more feels like a mechanic from the survivors to pressure the killer and the killer is kinda trapped between a rock and a hard place. The first 3 gens fly so fast these days and with regular gameplay the survivors will only have 2 gens to finish when all you got is one hook … by playing nice you can't get anywhere at this point, and even tunneling would only lead to one kill max.

    Yeah, it is kinda a skill issue at this point, because in todays meta the killer has to constantly switch targets and shoosh survivors off gens, but thats also very draining on the killers side.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,893

    I know it was an anomalous night, since I've been playing for years and only had that happen once before.

    I just got really "lucky", lol - I May never see one again.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,581

    Yep. As rare as they are, these trials are extremely unfun.

    Rumor has it that some content creator said something about slugging and now many players are doing it, but honestly I haven't seen it happen.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 294

    Thats why a video game should never allow a player to be a power role. Balance is very important for health of a game.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 616

    I rather think these killers had a really bad match before and thought "okay the next survivor crew will suffer for this". Unfortunately, some players have this logic that the next players have to suffer due to the bad experience they had before the match. This also happens with survivors. Either they bring the most disgusting stuff and let you suffer or - more in case of survivors - they dc when something happens that they don't like. Besides the pointless humbling over a survivor - which is really cringe like tbag at the exitgates -, currently some content creators and other players do a "slug vs hook" experiment. They gather statistics to see which better/more efficient for killers.

    I really hope that you next matches will become better and you can enjoy dbd without this!

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 420

    I also made a similar post it's getting rlly boring but survivors aren't allowed to complain, dev's have updated the game to a point where one role gets total control of the round and how fun it is as above says.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 899

    There were a few threads with people complaining that hooking was pointless after the hook timer got increased, and threatening to slug everyone they played against. But I have no idea whether that sentiment is isolated or not.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,581

    Interesting. I gotta say I forgot about the hook timer change.

  • JohnnyRash247
    JohnnyRash247 Member Posts: 9

    SO where are we going with the hump thing? Cuz survivors TBag and thats also not appropriate and of the same nature

  • SipSipSip
    SipSipSip Member Posts: 16

    Just went against knockout + third seal players three times in a row. Absolute blast to go against as a soloQ player. I just love running around the map blind looking for my slugged teammate!

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 217

    and i've had 3 blatant cheaters tonight . There is a sale going on aparently and they are all out for blood . I'm taking a break till they figure this out. I haven't seen this many cheaters in ages .

  • Darcalus
    Darcalus Member Posts: 8

    I went against a similar build in Hawkins last night… It was an absolute disaster.