So am I just cracked as Dracula or is he really op?



  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,332
    edited October 1

    This is not what this is about. This is about an easy to use - ability that makes many if not all mistakes a Dracula makes in chase matter very little. Not many other killers have such an ability. It's not good design in my opinion. Especially when it's a 3 in 1 power.

    that is your opinion. i think dracula's bat form is among highest skill abilities to use in the game because it is massively prone to error and outplay. in order to balance its high risk, it has low cooldown so that killer is not ultra punished for making an error in which they will make errors because it is a difficult ability to perfect if the survivor jukes and plays mindgames with it.

    Yes. The tombstone piece is stupid. It should be removed alonside a rework of Myers power.

    I think, that if a specific aspect of a killer results in unhealthy gameplay then it should change yes. To negate the punishment of any mistake in chase is unhealthy for the overall gameplay experience. This is the same reason Xeno got nerfed. Although that came with a ton of other effects that left the killer in a buggy state.

    your missing my point. my point was that killer that do not have catch-up are weak killers. The only way for weaker killer to not have catch-up and be strong is to use GIMMICK strategies to win/be powerful. I am using Myer's as an example. Myers will NEVER get a teleport or catch-up mechanic. He is not designed to get this mechanic and as a result, he is weak in comparison to other killers when it comes 3 hooking survivors if survivor loops effectively. Here's the thing, You don't need to have a catch-up mechanic as a killer if you can instant mori survivors in 1 hook. Myer's is powerful when he is able to instant kill his opponent out of the game. This is gimmick play-style that player perceived as unfair/imbalanced but is only method for Myer's to be as viable as Nurse. this was my point. killer with less mechanics/functionality in their kit require lopsided mechanics to be a threat.

    Moving back to Dracula, Dracula is well-rounded killer. His bat form is his most important asset. weakening bat form severely hampers his gameplay. If Nurse, Spirit, Chucky, Blight and Billy are not imbalanced killers, than Dracula is as balanced as they are. he should not get nerfed because you dislike playing vs him. His version of a similar but different gameplay loop displayed by other killers.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,972

    I did never say that I dislike facing him. I also did not say that he should be nerfed because of me. Nurse is too strong for a majority of public matches. Myers can only kill with addons and I could see a teleport power being part of a reword.

  • Wibwob
    Wibwob Member Posts: 74

    Nah he'll get his changes early next year. That's how BHVR operates post-killer release, they wait for 6 months for the stats and playerbase to settle then make adjustments. Take Unknown for example (released in March, getting his 6-month changes now).

    If a killer is super problematic they might get changes sooner but I don't think Dracula hits that mark. I do think bat form is too strong and will get some changes when the time comes though.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 326

    Never seen anybody saying he "sucks".

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 208

    6 months is still a long time well have new killers and perks to complain about

  • Pelaan
    Pelaan Member Posts: 17

    Why can't you hold the same for Nurse? The killer that ignores everything take her down first

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,648

    History has taught us differently. Also, how long does it take to change a number in code? 5 minutes, if you count the cup of coffee, that person will drink.

    A number change can always be squeezed in and it would already make Dracula a lot more fair to play against.