Is the DC penalty bugged?

BiggusDingus Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

I'm a console player, the internet in the place i'm staying at is good but has a tendency to disconnect for a split second every 2 hours or so. When I'm in a game while this happens, i get booted out and it counts as a DC. I understand this, but just now I got booted out again and my penalty is now a whopping 6 hours (my last was half an hour, and that was 12+ hours ago). I restarted and it seems they're being serious. Is this fr? I understand DC'ing under any context especially as killer is a nuisance but this is ridiculous


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    I dont know if 6 hours is the next penalty after 30 minutes, but it might be. The DC-Penalty resets by 1 points after 24 hours. So you not DCing for 12+ hours is not enough to lower the DC-Penalty.

    And well, for the other 4 players in your game it does not really matter if you DC because your internet tends to disconnect sometimes or because you DCed because you are salty. The outcome for them is the same.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 702

    You know it disconnects every so often yet you still risk playing a PvP online game? I had the same issue a while back but I just stopped playing PvP because PvP requires a fast and reliable connection. It was very annoying when I'm about to win then my connection cuts out for like 20 seconds then reconnects and I find the game ended. Doesn't sound like your connection is particularly reliable so I would avoid playing PvP games for your sake and for others sake.