Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Legion Feral Frenzy Rework Ideas

I feel that Legion is fundamentally a killer that is not fun to play or play against. Here is my idea on how to salvage them.

I think the biggest improvement is to remove this concept of Feral Frenzy being a static strength power. It needs to have some skill to it. It needs to gain strength to give the killer some momentum and power curve. The power needs to create incentive to try to hit multiple survivors like what seems to be original intent. What I propose is that the power gains strength the more times you hit different survivors and increase the duration of Feral Frenzy to give them time to track down another victim. If you hit the same survivor more than once in a row you will inflict no damage and will lose your Feral power and suffer a severe stun (depending on the level). There will be a HUD indicator on the survivor that is currently tagged so that others can see that Feral Frenzy is active and they might want to hide or spread thin to reduce the power curve. The terror radius would increase for each level of the power.

Level1 - Duration 15s (2s stun) - Increased terror radius/speed. Your hit only inflicts a slow deep wound on a survivor. Upon hitting a survivor the other survivor indicators are shown to you and the power increases to level 2.
Level2 - Duration 25s (3s stun) - Increased terror radius/speed. Your hit will damage the survivor. Other survivors are shown to you and you progress to level 3.
Level 3 - Duration 30s (4s stun) - Increased terror radius/speed. Your hit will damage the survivor and will inflict a fast deep wound. Other survivors are shown to you and you progress to level 4.
Level 4 - Duration 40s (5s stun) - Increased terror radius/speed. Survivors are exposed and hits will down them. Hits do not reset cooldown. Survivor indicators are not shown after the initial level-up.

Additional thoughts: This killer would obviously be much better when the killer doesn't kill survivors. The more survivors on the map, the less distance you need to cover to level up your power. The killer is very weak with only 1 survivor in the game. This is the anti-tunneling killer. The point is to build up a sense of "combo meter" and increase the rewards the larger combo you have. Increase the quantity of chases. The chases are still heavily killer favored, but getting tagged doesn't mean death. If the killer sticks around they will get severely stunned allowing you to escape and hide. If the killer decides to combo further, the survivor can retreat slightly and spread the distance the killer needs to ping-pong to gain more power.


  • cloud7dragon
    cloud7dragon Member Posts: 19
    I like this idea it's better then the current frenzy. Also I think that the killer should still be able to see the scratch marks while in frenzy. The frenzy ability itself has a big weakness  in tight areas making it easy for survivors to abuse this weakness and disappear leaving the killer lost and frustrated.