I would play the game more frequently if the maps felt more alive

AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,081
edited October 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Currently the maps feel very… dead. There's barely any ambiance in terms of sound that makes it feel like you truly is inside a realm of the Entity. You only see, but you can't really hear the environment you're in. All the sounds are very muted you could say, I wish they were more in your face.

It's very lackluster in ambiance sounds such as:

Wind - Wind sounds but also how the wind affects the environment, such as plants for example.

Rain - The maps where there's rain, the rain is very quiet and that's a shame. It has a lot of potential of how it can change the feeling of the maps.

Sirens - On some maps there are police cars and ambulances. But they are completely silent. It would be cool if the sirens were on. Make it so there's a max range from where you can hear it from. If you're very close to it, the volume could maybe get lowered if that would be annoying.

Wild animals - Night maps could improve if bats or owls would be seen and heard for example.


  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    All that noise you are talking about, it's called a killer nerf. A big one.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,081

    It's a shame that every single thing you change to this game has such a big balance impact. So many cool things could be added to this game. But balance is in the way. It truly sucks. It has so much potential.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Two things - at the moment there are a lot of sound bugs… so some sounds are not right.

    Also they asked about this in the survey.

    Dynamic wheather and/or more dynamic environments.

    So at least they are thinking about something. Doesn´t mean we get anything soon…

    But i would also think a bit more wheather effects would be really cool.

    And yes that would be bad for killers but imagine a match with windy rainy thunderstorm with lighning :-)

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    As somebody mentioned earlier, it would be a ner to the Killer. However, if it was an optional extra, with the lowest being the current ambience and then being able to make those sounds a little more clearer, then I wouldn't mind trying it out. It would have to be delicately done though, and whilst I do think the devs are doing well, their version of subtlety is the equivalent of putting a nail into a wall by driving a bus into it.